Adrian Bumann

Doctoral Student at Entrepreneurship and Strategy

Adrian Bumann is a Doctoral Student at the Division of Entrepreneurship and Strategy, at the Department of Technology Management and Economics. His research is in the field of information systems and digital transformation, with a focus on innovation processes in the maritime and marine sector. This includes an active participation in the Ocean Data Factory, a project initiated by Chalmers, GU and RISE which aims to enable sustainability and innovation in the digital blue economy.

Adrian holds a MSc in Maritime Management from Chalmers as well as a Master Mariner's License. His master thesis investigated the potential of data sharing concepts in the cruise ship industry. Before coming to Chalmers, Adrian has worked at sea as a Nautical Officer on a variety of merchant vessels, most recently as First Officer ("Förste Styrman") on cruise ships.

For more information on Ocean Data Factory:

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Showing 4 publications


Captains donüt navigate with a keyboard: Developing AI for naturalistic decision-making

Adrian Bumann
Research Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making in Organizations, p. 80-96
Book chapter

No Ground Truth at Sea - Developing High-Accuracy AI Decision-Support for Complex Environments

Adrian Bumann
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 2023-January, p. 4566-4575
Paper in proceeding

The challenges of knowledge combination in ML-based crowdsourcing - The ODF Killer shrimp challenge using ML and kaggle

Adrian Bumann, Robin Teigland
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 2020-January, p. 4930-4939
Paper in proceeding

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