Muhammed Cagri Kaya

Showing 4 publications


Uncertainty Calculation-as-a-Service: Microservice-Based Metrology Applications

Anil Cetinkaya, Muhammed Cagri Kaya, Teklie Belay Bzuneh et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. LNCS 14889
Paper in proceeding

Extracting Driving Styles from Automotive Sensor Data to Develop Personas

Muhammed Cagri Kaya, Tayssir Bouraffa, Krzysztof Wnuk
2024 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), p. 1076-1079
Paper in proceeding

Uncertainty Calculation as a Service: Integrating Cloud-Based Microservices for Enhanced Calibration and DCC Generation †

Anil Cetinkaya, Muhammed Cagri Kaya, Erkan Danaci et al
Sensors. Vol. 24 (17)
Journal article

Systematic Evaluation of Applying Space-Filling Curves to Automotive Maneuver Detection

Christian Berger, Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel, Muhammed Cagri Kaya et al
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, p. 2932-2938
Paper in proceeding

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