Cassandra Fleming

Showing 4 publications


All-photonic kinase inhibitors: light-controlled release-and-report inhibition

Cassandra Fleming, Carlos Benitez-Martin, Elin Bernson et al
Chemical Science. Vol. 15 (18), p. 6897-6905
Journal article

A Fluorescent Kinase Inhibitor that Exhibits Diagnostic Changes in Emission upon Binding

Cassandra Fleming, Patrick A. Sandoz, Tord Inghardt et al
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Vol. 58 (42), p. 15000-15004
Journal article

Shining New Light on the Spiropyran Photoswitch: A Photocage Decides between cis-trans or Spiro-Merocyanine Isomerization

Cassandra Fleming, Shiming Li, Morten Grötli et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 140 (43), p. 14069-14072
Journal article

On the use of diarylmaleimide derivatives in biological contexts: An investigation of the photochromic properties in aqueous solution

Cassandra Fleming, Patricia Remón Ruiz, Shiming Li et al
Dyes and Pigments. Vol. 137, p. 410-420
Journal article

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