Cecilia Pettersson

Doktor at Building Design
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Showing 22 publications


The impact of the physical environment for caregiving in ordinary housing: Experiences of staff in home- and health-care services

Cecilia Pettersson, Martin Nilsson, C A Morgan Andersson et al
Applied Ergonomics. Vol. 92
Journal article

Enablers and Barriers in the Physical Environment of Care for Older People in Ordinary Housing: A Scoping Review

Cecilia Pettersson, Inga Malmqvist, Sten Gromark et al
Journal of Housing for the Elderly. Vol. 34 (3), p. 332-350
Review article

Assistive technology policy: a position paper from the first global research, innovation, and education on assistive technology (GREAT) summit

Malcolm MacLachlan, David Banes, Diane Bell et al
Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology. Vol. 13 (5), p. 454-466
Journal article

Assistive technology and people: a position paper from the first global research, innovation and education on assistive technology (GREAT) summit

Deirdre Desmond, Natasha Layton, Jacob Bentley et al
Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology. Vol. 13 (5), p. 437-444
Journal article

Enabling appropriate personnel skill-mix for progressive realization of equitable access to assistive technology

Emma M. Smith, Rosemary Joan Gowran, Hasheem Mannan et al
Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology. Vol. 13 (5), p. 445-453
Journal article

The Use of Apps for Health in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease and Stroke - Barriers and Facilitators

C. Winberg, M. Kylberg, Cecilia Pettersson et al
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. Vol. 242, p. 638-641
Paper in proceeding

Evidence-based interventions involving occupational therapists are needed in re-ablement for older community-living people: A systematic review

Cecilia Pettersson, Susanne Iwarsson
British Journal of Occupational Therapy. Vol. 80 (5), p. 273-285
Review article

Space for housing and care: a study protocol

Cecilia Pettersson, Inga Malmqvist, Helle Wijk
SB Lab 2017 International Conference on Advances on Sustainable Cities and Buildings Development. Porto 15-17 November 2017
Paper in proceeding

Sustainable environments for wheelchair users

Cecilia Pettersson
Global Research, Education and Innovation in Assistive Technology (GREAT) Summit 2017, WHO
Paper in proceeding

Interventions for stroke family caregivers - a systematic review of the literature.

Månsson Lexell Eva, Cecilia Pettersson, Hansson Elizabeth
Vård, omsorg och stöd, Göteborg
Paper in proceeding

A public health perspective to environmental barriers and accessibility problems for senior citizens living in ordinary housing

Slaug Björn, Granbom Marianne, Kylberg Marianne et al
23rd Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Tampere, Finland
Paper in proceeding

Re-ablement for older community-living older people: Evidence-based interventions involving occupational therapists are needed

Cecilia Pettersson, Iwarsson Susanne
Congress of Occupational Therapy, COTEC, Galway
Paper in proceeding

A public health perspective on housing for senior citizens

Cecilia Pettersson, Granbom Marianne, Slaug Björn et al
Congress of Occupational Therapy, COTEC, Galway,
Paper in proceeding

Delaktighet och tillgänglighet vid användning av elrullstol och elskoter

Cecilia Pettersson
Arbetsterapiforum Göteborg
Paper in proceeding

Autonomy and Housing Accessibility Among Powered Mobility Device Users

Cecilia Pettersson, Brandt Åse, Månsson Lexell Eva et al
American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Vol. 69, p. 1-9
Journal article

Experiences of using powered wheelchair or powered scooter and accessibility in housings

Cecilia Pettersson, Iwarsson Susanne, Månsson Lexell Eva
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (217), p. 1017-23.
Journal article

Men’s and women’s perspectives on using a powered mobility device: Benefits and societal challenges

Cecilia Pettersson, Iwarsson Susanne, Brandt Åse et al
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. Vol. 21 (6), p. 438-46
Journal article

Mobility Device Use and Exploration of Housing Accessibility for Powered Mobility Device Users among People Ageing with Spinal Cord Injury

Cecilia Pettersson, Sophie Jörgensen, Mårtensson Lizette et al
Assistive Technology Research Series, Assistive Technology: From Research to Practice.. Vol. 33, p. 226-232
Journal article

Mobility and mobility-related participation outcomes of powered wheelchair and scooter interventions

Cecilia Pettersson, Löfqvist Charlotte, Iwarsson Susanne et al
COTEC Congress of Occupational Therapy
Paper in proceeding

Elrullstol I primärvården – kliniskt förbättringsarbete

Cecilia Pettersson
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


A safe work environment and a good ageing-in-place. Observations and floorplan analyses in residential caregiving

C A Morgan Andersson Building Design
Helle Wijk Building Design
Cecilia Pettersson Building Design


Integrative Ways of Residing: Health and Quality of Residence Architectural Inventions for Dwelling, Ageing and Healthcaring AIDAH

Sten Gromark Building Design
Hanna Morichetto Building Design
Roger Ulrich Building Design
Marie Strid Building Design
Elizabeth Marcheschi Building Design
Ola Nylander Building Design
Saga Karlsson Building Design
Charlotta Thodelius Building Design
Elke Miedema Building Design
Maria Berezecka Mårtensson Building Design
Peter Fröst Building Design
Inga Malmqvist Building Design
Anna Braide Building Design
Cecilia Pettersson Building Design
Göran Lindahl Construction Management

13 publications exist
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