Chalita Srinuan

Showing 22 publications


An empirical analysis of multiple services and choices of consumer in the Swedish telecommunications market

Pratompong Srinuan, Chalita Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Telecommunications Policy. Vol. 38 (5-6), p. 449-459
Journal article

Pricing strategies and innovations in the Thai mobile communications market

Chalita Srinuan, Pratompong Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Info. Vol. 15 (1), p. 61-77
Journal article

Analysis of fixed broadband access and use in Thailand: Drivers and barriers

Chalita Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Telecommunications Policy. Vol. 37 (8), p. 615-625
Journal article

Fixed and mobile broadband substitution in Sweden

Pratompong Srinuan, Chalita Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Telecommunications Policy. Vol. 36 (3), p. 237-251
Journal article

An analysis of mobile Internet access in Thailand: Implications for bridging the digital divide

Chalita Srinuan, Pratompong Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Telematics and Informatics. Vol. 29 (3), p. 254-262
Journal article

Exploring Mobile Pricing Strategies and Innovations in Thai Mobile Communication Market

Chalita Srinuan, Pratompong Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
the Regional International Telecommunications Society India Conference 2012
Paper in proceeding

Private costs of delayed privatization of TOT Public Company Limited

Chalita Srinuan
Info. Vol. 13 (1), p. 74-91
Journal article

Analysis of Broadband Access in Thailand: Drivers and Barriers

Chalita Srinuan, Orada Teppayayon, Erik Bohlin
Proceeding of the 10th international conference on Mobile Business (ICMB 2011), 20-21 June 2011, Italy., p. 297-306
Paper in proceeding

Understanding the digital divide: A literature survey and ways forward

Chalita Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Proceeding of the 22nd European Regional ITS conference, 18-21 September, 2011 Hungary
Other conference contribution

Would you prefer a set menu or à la carte? An empirical study of multiple services and choices of consumer in the Swedish telecommunications market.

Pratompong Srinuan, Chalita Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Conference proceeding of International Telecommunications Society (ITS), European regional, 2011, in Budapest, September 18 – 21.
Other conference contribution

The Third Generation (3G) Auction in Asia

Chalita Srinuan
Keio Communication Review. Vol. No.33, p. 183-198
Journal article

The Mobile Broadband and Fixed Broadband Battle in Swedish Market: Complementary or substitution?

Pratompong Srinuan, Chalita Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
conference proceeding the Florence School of Regulation
Paper in proceeding

An analysis of mobile Internet access in Thailand: Implications for bridging the digital divide

Chalita Srinuan, Pratompong Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Proceeding of the the 2011 ITS Asia-Pacific Regional Conferences, 26-28 June, 2011 Taiwan.
Other conference contribution

Entry relaxation and an Independent regulator: Performance impact on the mobile telecoms industry in Asia

Chalita Srinuan, Pratompong Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Infrastructure regulation: What works, Why and How do we know?: Lesson from Asia and beyond. In Jarvis, Ramesh, Wu and Araral (Eds). Singapore: World Scientific., p. 83-108
Book chapter

What makes people go on line? An empirical analysis of the digital divide in Thailand

Chalita Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Proceedings of the annual international conference on Micro and Macro Economics (MME 2011), 25-26 July 2011,Singapore
Paper in proceeding

Digital divide in ASEAN countries: Explaining the gap

Chalita Srinuan, Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman, Pratompong Srinuan et al
Competitiveness of the ASEAN Countries: Corporate and Regulatory Drivers, p. 153-172
Book chapter

Determinant of Mobile broadband subscription

Chalita Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
ITS2010 Tokyo 18th Biennial and Silver Anniversary Conference, (27-30 June 2010)
Other conference contribution

The Mobile Broadband and Fixed Broadband Battle in Swedish market: Exploring complementary or substitution.

Chalita Srinuan, Pratompong Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
21TH European Regional ITS Conference, CMI, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark 13-15 September 2010, p. 20-
Other conference contribution

Does the liberalization matter the mobile telecommunication sector performance and investor? : A case of listed companies across countries

Chalita Srinuan, Pratompong Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Conference on Infrastructure Regulation: What Works, Why, and How do we know?, Hong Kong, 26-27 February,2009., p. 27-
Other conference contribution

The cost of delaying privatization: the case of the Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT)

Chalita Srinuan, Erik Bohlin
Proceeding of the 1st Europe-Middle East-North Africa Regional (20th European Regional) ITS conference
Other conference contribution

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