Artur Chodorowski
Showing 21 publications
Automated estimation of in-plane nodule shape in chest tomosynthesis images
An attempt to estimate out-of-plane lung nodule elongation in tomosynthesis images
Unsupervised Segmentation of Head Tissues from Multi-modal MR Images for EEG Source Localization
A fully automatic unsupervised segmentation framework for the brain tissues in MR images
On the Fully Automatic Construction of a Realistic Head Model for EEG Source Localization
Multi-modal MR Brain Segmentation Using Bayesian-based Adaptive MeanShift (BAMS)
A novel Bayesian approach to adaptive mean shift segmentation of brain images
Non-invasive EEG source localization using particle swarm optimization: A clinical experiment
Histology-based oral lesion classification
Determination of wetted surface
Histology-based oral lesion discrimination
Image Analysis and CADx System for Mucosal Lesions
Image analysis of oral lesions in an Indian population
Active Contour Models: Application to Oral Lesion Detection in Color Images
Pattern Recognition Methods for Oral Lesion Classification using Digital Color Images
Oral lesion classification using true-color images
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