Artur Chodorowski

Showing 21 publications


Reliable phase-contrast flow volume magnetic resonance measurements are feasible without adjustment of the velocity encoding parameter

Kerstin M. Lagerstrand, Frida Svensson, Christian L. Polte et al
Journal of Medical Imaging. Vol. 7 (6)
Journal article

Automated estimation of in-plane nodule shape in chest tomosynthesis images

Jonathan Arvidsson, Artur Chodorowski, Christina Söderman et al
International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings. Vol. 48, p. 20-23
Paper in proceeding

A Comparative Study of Automated Segmentation Methods for Use in a Microwave Tomography System for Imaging Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Stroke Patients

Mahmood Qaiser, Shaochuan Li, Andreas Fhager et al
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications. Vol. 7, p. 152-167
Journal article

An attempt to estimate out-of-plane lung nodule elongation in tomosynthesis images

Artur Chodorowski, Jonathan Arvidsson, Christina Söderman et al
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 9412, p. article no 94122J-
Paper in proceeding

Automated MRI brain tissue segmentation based on mean shift and fuzzy c-means using a priori tissue probability maps

Mahmood Qaiser, Artur Chodorowski, Mikael Persson
IRBM. Vol. 36 (3), p. 185-196
Journal article

Unsupervised Segmentation of Head Tissues from Multi-modal MR Images for EEG Source Localization

Mahmood Qaiser, Artur Chodorowski, Andrew Mehnert et al
Journal of Digital Imaging. Vol. 28 (4), p. 499-514
Journal article

A fully automatic unsupervised segmentation framework for the brain tissues in MR images

Mahmood Qaiser, Artur Chodorowski, B. Ehteshami Bejnordi et al
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 9038
Paper in proceeding

On the Fully Automatic Construction of a Realistic Head Model for EEG Source Localization

Mahmood Qaiser, Yazdan Shirvany, Artur Chodorowski et al
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, p. 3331-3334
Paper in proceeding

Multi-modal MR Brain Segmentation Using Bayesian-based Adaptive MeanShift (BAMS)

Mahmood Qaiser, Mohammad Alipoor, Artur Chodorowski et al
MICCAI Grand Challenge on MR Brain Image Segmentation
Paper in proceeding

A novel Bayesian approach to adaptive mean shift segmentation of brain images

Mahmood Qaiser, Artur Chodorowski, Andrew Mehnert et al
Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems
Paper in proceeding

Non-invasive EEG source localization using particle swarm optimization: A clinical experiment

Yazdan Shirvany, Johan Carlson, Stefan Jakobsson et al
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, p. 6232-6235
Paper in proceeding

Histology-based oral lesion classification

Nooshin Jafari, Artur Chodorowski
ICEE 2012 - 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, p. 1612-1617
Paper in proceeding

Advances in Neuro Diagnostic based on Microwave Technology, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and EEG source localization

Mikael Persson, Tomas McKelvey, Andreas Fhager et al
Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, (APMC 2011;Melbourne, VIC; 5 - 8 December 2011), p. 469-472
Paper in proceeding

Determination of wetted surface

Björn Allenström, Artur Chodorowski, H. J. Rambech et al
AMT’09 – 1st Int Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for EU Maritime Industry, Nantes, 1-2 sept 2009
Paper in proceeding

Histology-based oral lesion discrimination

Artur Chodorowski, Vinay Hazarey, Sunil Kothawar et al
Medicinteknikdagarna 2009 - Book of Abstracts, Sept 28-29, 2009, Västerås, Sweden,
Paper in proceeding

Image Analysis and CADx System for Mucosal Lesions

Artur Chodorowski, Chitta R Choudhury, Tomas Gustavsson
8th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and BioEngineering
Paper in proceeding

Image analysis of oral lesions in an Indian population

Artur Chodorowski, Chitta R Choudhury, Tomas Gustavsson
Medicinteknikdagarna 2008
Other conference contribution

Active Contour Models: Application to Oral Lesion Detection in Color Images

Ghassan Hamarneh, Artur Chodorowski, Tomas Gustavsson
IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Paper in proceeding

Oral lesion classification using true-color images

Artur Chodorowski, U. Mattsson, Tomas Gustavsson
Medical Imaging 1999: Image Processing, Proceedings of SPIE, San Diego, CA. Vol. 3661, p. 1127-1138
Paper in proceeding

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