Nathalia Cristine Vieceli

Showing 10 publications


Complete and selective recovery of lithium from EV lithium-ion batteries: Modeling and optimization using oxalic acid as a leaching agent

Léa Rouquette, Martina Petranikova, Nathalia Cristine Vieceli
Separation and Purification Technology. Vol. 320
Journal article

Solvent extraction of cobalt from spent lithium-ion batteries: Dynamic optimization of the number of extraction stages using factorial design of experiments and response surface methodology

Nathalia Cristine Vieceli, Thomas Ottink, Srecko Stopic et al
Separation and Purification Technology. Vol. 307
Journal article

Intensification of lithium carbonation in the thermal treatment of spent EV Li-ion batteries via waste utilization and selective recovery by water leaching

Léa Rouquette, Tom Lemaitre, Nathalia Cristine Vieceli et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Advances. Vol. 17
Journal article

Recycling of Li-Ion Batteries from Industrial Processing: Upscaled Hydrometallurgical Treatment and Recovery of High Purity Manganese by Solvent Extraction

Nathalia Cristine Vieceli, Claudia Vonderstein, Thomas Swiontekc et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 41 (2), p. 205-220
Journal article

Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide and a Dosing Method on the Leaching of LCO, NMC Oxides, and Industrial Black Mass

Nathalia Cristine Vieceli, Piamcheewa Benjamasutin, Raksina Promphan et al
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Vol. 11 (26), p. 9662-9673
Journal article

Novel approach to recycling of steel swarf using hydrometallurgy

Thomas Ottink, Nathalia Cristine Vieceli, Mark Foreman et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 185
Journal article

Recovery of critical metals from EV batteries via thermal treatment and leaching with sulphuric acid at ambient temperature

Martina Petranikova, Pol Llorach Naharro, Nathalia Cristine Vieceli et al
Waste Management. Vol. 140, p. 164-172
Journal article

Optimization of manganese recovery from a solution based on lithium-ion batteries by solvent extraction with d2ehpa

Nathalia Cristine Vieceli, Niclas Reinhardt, Christian Ekberg et al
Metals. Vol. 11 (1), p. 1-20
Journal article

Comparative study for selective lithium recovery via chemical transformations during incineration and dynamic pyrolysis of EV li-ion batteries

Srija Balachandran, Kerstin Forsberg, Tom Lemaitre et al
Metals. Vol. 11 (8)
Journal article

Hydrometallurgical recycling of EV lithium-ion batteries: Effects of incineration on the leaching efficiency of metals using sulfuric acid

Nathalia Cristine Vieceli, Raquel Casasola, Gabriele Lombardo et al
Waste Management. Vol. 125, p. 192-203
Journal article

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