Roberto Crocetti
Showing 14 publications
Några overväganden för effektiva och tillförlitliga träförband med inslitsade plåtar och dymlingar
Full-Scale Ultimate-Load Test of a Stress-Laminated-Timber Bridge Deck
Anchorage systems to reduce the loss of pre-stress in stress-laminated timber bridges
Ultimate limit state load test of stress-laminated-timber deck
Strengthening Glulam Beams with Steel and Composite Plates
Mechanical Properties of Stress Laminated Timber Decks – Experimental study
Strengthening timber with CFRP or steel plates - Short and long-term performance
Bridge expansion joints -- design for movements, performance and durability
Increased stiffness of timber beams with steel and/or CFRP laminates
Strengthening Glulam Beams with Steel and Composite Plates
Reducing maintenance for bridge expansion joints -- increasing retrofit intervals
Modular bridge expansion joints : loads, dynamic behaviour and fatigue performance
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