Roberto Crocetti

Showing 14 publications


Några overväganden för effektiva och tillförlitliga träförband med inslitsade plåtar och dymlingar

Robert Jockwer, Vera Öberg, Roberto Crocetti
Bygg och teknik. Vol. 113 (4), p. 24-27
Magazine article

Full-Scale Ultimate-Load Test of a Stress-Laminated-Timber Bridge Deck

Kristoffer K J Ekholm, Robert Kliger, Roberto Crocetti
Journal of Bridge Engineering. Vol. 17 (4), p. 691-699
Journal article

Anchorage systems to reduce the loss of pre-stress in stress-laminated timber bridges

Roberto Crocetti, Robert Kliger
Proceeedings of the International Conference Timber Bridges, p. 11-
Paper in proceeding

Ultimate limit state load test of stress-laminated-timber deck

Kristoffer K J Ekholm, Roberto Crocetti, Robert Kliger
World conference on timber engineering 2010, June 20-24 2010, Riva del Garda, Italy. Vol. 700 (2), p. 343-352
Paper in proceeding

Strengthening Glulam Beams with Steel and Composite Plates

Mohammad Al-Emrani, Reza Haghani Dogaheh, Robert Kliger et al
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, Sharjah, UAE
Paper in proceeding

Mechanical Properties of Stress Laminated Timber Decks – Experimental study

Kristoffer K J Ekholm, Roberto Crocetti, Robert Kliger
CIB-W18 Proceedings meeting forty-two 2009, Dübendorf, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

Strengthening timber with CFRP or steel plates - Short and long-term performance

Robert Kliger, Mohammad Al-Emrani, M. Johansson et al
10th World Conference on Timber Engineering 2008; Miyazaki; Japan; 2 June 2008 through 5 June 2008. Vol. 1, p. 414-421
Paper in proceeding

Bridge expansion joints -- design for movements, performance and durability

Bo Edlund, Roberto Crocetti
IABSE Symposium Weimar 2007 "Improving Infrastructure Worldwide"; Report, IABSE Zürich, p. 302--303-
Paper in proceeding

Reinforcement of glulam elements subjected to large local compression perpendicular to the grain using self-tapping screws

Roberto Crocetti, Mohammad Al-Emrani, Robert Kliger et al
The third international conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation. Cape Town, South Africa, 10-12 September 2007
Paper in proceeding

Increased stiffness of timber beams with steel and/or CFRP laminates

MARIE JOHANSSON, Mohammad Al-Emrani, Jobin Jacob et al
Third international conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation
Paper in proceeding

Strengthening Glulam Beams with Steel and Composite Plates

Robert Kliger, Mohammad Al-Emrani, MARIE JOHANSSON et al
Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS 2007) Hong Kong, China, 12-14 December. Vol. 1, p. 291-296
Paper in proceeding

Reducing maintenance for bridge expansion joints -- increasing retrofit intervals

Bo Edlund, Roberto Crocetti
IABSE Symposium Budapest, Sept 13-15, 2006 -- Responding to Tomorrow's Challenges in Structural Engineering. IABSE Report & CD-ROM. Vol. 92, p. 354-355
Paper in proceeding

On some Fatigue Problems Related to Steel Bridges

Roberto Crocetti
Doctoral thesis

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