Alexander Croy
Showing 15 publications
Multi-scale approach for strain-engineering of phosphorene
Strain-displacement relations for strain engineering in single-layer 2d materials
Valence-force model and nanomechanics of single-layer phosphorene
Entanglement dynamics of quantum oscillators nonlinearly coupled to thermal environments
Nonlinear phononics using atomically thin membranes
Entanglement Dynamics of Quantum Oscillators Nonlinearly Coupled to Thermal Environments
Frequency tuning, nonlinearities and mode coupling in circular mechanical graphene resonators
Nonlinear-dissipation-induced entanglement of coupled nonlinear oscillators
Multi-phonon relaxation and generation of quantum states in a nonlinear mechanical oscillator
Nonadiabatic rectification and current reversal in electron pumps
Correlation-strength-driven Anderson metal-insulator transition
Nonlinear damping in graphene resonators
Nonadiabatic electron pumping through interacting quantum dots
Dynamics of a nanoscale rotor driven by single-electron tunneling
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Showing 1 research projects
Nonlinearities, Dissipation and Noise in graphene nanoresonators