David Knutsson

Showing 9 publications


Short-term impact of green certificates and CO2 emissions trading in the Swdesih district heating sector

David Knutsson, Sven Werner, Erik Ahlgren
Applied Energy. Vol. 83, p. 1368-1383
Journal article

HEATSPOT – a simulation tool for national district heating analyses

David Knutsson, Sven Werner, Tomas Ekvall et al
Energy. Vol. 31 (2-3), p. 278-293
Journal article

Combined heat and power in the Swedish district heating sector - impact of green certificates and CO2 trading on new investments

David Knutsson, Sven Werner, Erik Ahlgren
Energy Policy. Vol. 34, p. 3942-3952
Journal article

Effects of planned expansion of waste incineration in the Swedish district heating systems

Jenny Sahlin, David Knutsson, Tomas Ekvall
Resources Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 41 (4), p. 279-292
Journal article

Nordledenrapport 2003:7

David Knutsson

Nordleden - Slutrapport för etapp 2

Bo Rydén, Erik Ahlgren, Owe Andersson et al

Potential for natural gas based CHP generation in Swedish district heating systems

David Knutsson, Sven Werner
Cogeneration & On-site Power Production, COSPP. Vol. 4 (2), p. 58-65
Magazine article

Potential for natural gas based CHP generation in Swedish district heating systems

David Knutsson
25th Annual IAEE conference, Aberdeen June
Paper in proceeding

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