Daniel Dalevi

Showing 13 publications


ERBB3 is a marker of a ganglioneuroblastoma/ganglioneuroma-like expression profile in neuroblastic tumours.

Annica Wilzén, Cecilia Krona, Baldur Sveinbjörnsson et al
Molecular Cancer. Vol. 12 (July 2013), p. artikel nr 70-
Journal article

A 6-gene signature identifies four molecular subgroups of neuroblastoma

Frida Abel, Daniel Dalevi, Maria Nethander et al
Cancer Cell International. Vol. 11 (9)
Journal article

ShotgunFunctionalizeR: an R-package for functional comparison of metagenomes

Erik Kristiansson, Philip Hugenholtz, Daniel Dalevi
Bioinformatics. Vol. 25 (20), p. 2737-2738
Journal article

Bridging the gap between systems biology and medicine

Gilles Clermont, Charles Auffray, Yves Moreau et al
Genome Medicine. Vol. 1 (9), p. 88-
Journal article

Testing of Chromosomal Clumping of Gene Properties

L. Fernandez-Ricaud, Daniel Dalevi, A. Blomberg et al
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Vol. 8 (1), p. 19 (artno)-
Journal article

Expected Gene Order Distances and Model Selection in Bacteria

Daniel Dalevi, Niklas Eriksen
Bioinformatics. Vol. 24 (11), p. 1332-1338
Journal article

Identification of putative regulatory upstream ORFs in the yeast genome using heuristics and evolutionary conservation

Marija Cvijovic, Daniel Dalevi, Elizabeth Bilsland et al
BMC Bioinformatics. Vol. 8, p. 295-
Journal article

Expected Gene Order Distances and Model Selection in Bacteria

Daniel Dalevi, Niklas Eriksen
Lecture Notes in Informatics. Vol. 115, p. 135-144
Paper in proceeding

A New Order Estimator for Fixed and Variable Length Markov Models with Applications to DNA Sequence Similarity

Daniel Dalevi, Devdatt Dubhashi, Malte Hermansson
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Vol. 5 (1), p. i-24
Journal article

Greengenes, a Chimera-Checked 16S rRNA Gene Database and Workbench Compatible with ARB

T DeSantis, P Hugenholtz, N Larsen et al
AEM. Vol. 72, p. 5069-5072
Journal article

Bayesian classifiers for detecting HGT using fixed and variable order Markov models of genomic signatures

Daniel Dalevi, Devdatt Dubhashi, Malte Hermansson
Bioinformatics. Vol. 22 (5), p. 517-522
Journal article

The Peres-Shields Order Estimator for Fixed and Variable Length Markov Models with Applications to DNA Sequence Similarity.

Devdatt Dubhashi, Daniel Dalevi
Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics. Vol. 2005
Paper in proceeding

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