Daniel Hjelmgren

Showing 10 publications


Uthyrningsmodeller - Studie av affärsmodeller inom textil- och klädindustrin för en resurseffektiv vardag

Frida Lind, Agnes Andersson Wänström, Daniel Hjelmgren
Report - The Swedish Energy Agency

Organising the interplay between exploitation and exploration: The case of interactive development of an information system

Daniel Hjelmgren, Anna Dubois
Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 42 (1), p. 96-105
Journal article

Interactive resource development in new business relationships

Lars-Erik Gadde, Daniel Hjelmgren, Fredrik Skarp
Journal of Business Research. Vol. 65 (2), p. 210-217
Journal article

Organising the interplay between exploitation and exploration: The case of interactive development of an information system

Daniel Hjelmgren, Anna Dubois
20th Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, August 16-18, 2010, The Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark
Other conference contribution

Resource Development and Interaction - The Function of Partial Connections

Daniel Hjelmgren, Anna Dubois
Proceedings of the 18th IMP Conference, Dijon, September 5-7.
Paper in proceeding

Technical Development in Networks - The importance of third parties

Anna Dubois, Daniel Hjelmgren, Håkan Håkansson
Sinergie. Vol. 58, p. 45-64
Journal article

The Role of the Interacting Actors' Alertness in Resource Development by Affecting the Interplay between Standardisation and Adaptation

Daniel Hjelmgren
Paper presented at the 11th Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, Gothenburg, August 17-19
Other conference contribution

Development of a Computerized Business System in Cooperation with Customers

Daniel Hjelmgren
Paper presented at the 10th Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, Trondheim August 18-20
Other conference contribution

Development Business Systems through Interaction with Customers

Daniel Hjelmgren
Paper presented at the 9th Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, University of Vaasa, August
Other conference contribution

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