Daniel Svensson

Showing 29 publications


Multiple Object Trajectory Estimation Using Backward Simulation

Yuxuan Xia, Lennart Svensson, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez et al
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Vol. 70, p. 3249-3263
Journal article

Adaptive Kernel Background Intensity Estimation Based on Local 2D Orientation

Johannes Wintenby, Daniel Svensson
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Fusion. Fusion 2015; Washington; United States, p. 1786-1793
Paper in proceeding

Two-filter Gaussian mixture smoothing with posterior pruning

Abu Sajana Rahmathullah, Lennart Svensson, Daniel Svensson
17th International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION 2014, Salamanca, Spain, 7-10 July 2014, p. Art. no. 6916249-
Paper in proceeding

Merging-based forward-backward smoothing on Gaussian mixtures

Abu Sajana Rahmathullah, Lennart Svensson, Daniel Svensson
17th International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION 2014; Salamanca; Spain; 7 July 2014 through 10 July 2014, p. -
Paper in proceeding

Mitigation Methods for FOPEN Radar Impact on Wireless Communications

Hans Hellsten, Daniel Svensson
International Telecommunications Symposium, ITS 2014; Sao Paulo; Brazil; 17 August 2014 through 20 August 2014, p. Art. no. 6948017-
Paper in proceeding

DVB-T interference cancellation in radar signal processing

Daniel Svensson, Tomas McKelvey, Hans Hellsten
Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Radar
Paper in proceeding

Target Existence Probability in the Distributed Kalman Filter

Daniel Svensson, Felix Govaers, Martin Ulmke et al
2013 Workshop on Sensor Data Fusion: Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF)
Paper in proceeding

Smoothed probabilistic data association filter

Abu Sajana Rahmathullah, Lennart Svensson, Daniel Svensson et al
FUSION 2013, 9-12 July 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 1296 - 1303
Paper in proceeding

Multitarget Sensor Resolution Model and Joint Probabilistic Data Association

Daniel Svensson, Martin Ulmke, Lars Hammarstrand
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. Vol. 48 (4), p. 3418-3434
Journal article

Multi-Target tracking with background discrimination using PHD filters

Roland Jonsson, Johan Degerman, Daniel Svensson et al
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Fusion
Paper in proceeding

Channel Tracking for AF MIMO Relaying Systems

Panagiota Lioliou, Daniel Svensson, Mats Viberg
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, p. 1-5
Paper in proceeding

The Set MHT

David F. Crouse, P. Willett, Lennart Svensson et al
14th International Conference on Information Fusion, Fusion 2011; Chicago, IL; 5 July 2011 through 8 July 2011
Paper in proceeding

Set JPDA Filter for Multitarget Tracking

Lennart Svensson, Daniel Svensson, Marco Guerriero et al
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Vol. 59 (10), p. 4677-4691
Journal article

Extended Target Tracking using Principal Components

Johan Degerman, Johannes Wintenby, Daniel Svensson
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Fusion, p. Art. no. 5977659-
Paper in proceeding

The Set IMMJPDA filter for multitarget tracking

Daniel Svensson, David Crouse, Lennart Svensson et al
Proceedings of SPIE: Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XX. Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XX Orlando, FL, APR 25-27, 2011. Vol. 8050
Other conference contribution

The multitarget Set JPDA filter with target identity

Daniel Svensson, Lennart Svensson, Marco Guerriero et al
Proceedings of SPIE: Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XX. Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XX Orlando, FL, APR 25-27, 2011. Vol. 8050
Other conference contribution

Multitarget sensor resolution model for arbitrary target numbers

Daniel Svensson, Martin Ulmke, Lars Danielsson
Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets, Proc. of SPIE. Vol. 7698
Other conference contribution

Shooting two birds with two bullets: how to find Minimum Mean OSPA estimates

Marco Guerriero, Lennart Svensson, Daniel Svensson et al
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Fusion
Paper in proceeding

Target Tracking in Complex Scenarios

Daniel Svensson
Doctoral thesis

A New Multiple Model Filter with Switch Time Conditions

Daniel Svensson, Lennart Svensson
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Vol. 58 (1), p. 11-25
Journal article

Set JPDA Filter for Multi-Target Tracking

Lennart Svensson, Daniel Svensson, Marco Guerriero

Multi-Target Tracking with Partially Unresolved Measurements

Daniel Svensson, Martin Ulmke, Lars Danielsson
40th Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V. (GI): Service Science - Neue Perspektiven fur die Informatik 40th Annual Conf. of the German Informatics Society (GI): Service Science - New Perspectives in Computer Science INFORMATIK 2010; Leipzig; Germany; 27 September 2010 through 1 October 2010. Vol. 2, p. 913-918
Other conference contribution

Joint probabilistic data association filter for partially unresolved target groups

Daniel Svensson, Martin Ulmke, Lars Danielsson
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Fusion
Paper in proceeding

Set JPDA algorithm for tracking unordered sets of targets

Lennart Svensson, Daniel Svensson, P. Willett
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, p. 1187-1194
Paper in proceeding

Set JPDA Algorithm for Tracking Sonar Crossing Targets

Marco Guerriero, Lennart Svensson, Daniel Svensson et al
Proceedings of NATO Workshop on Data Fusion and Anomaly Detection for Maritime Situational Awareness
Paper in proceeding

Performance Evaluation of MHT and GM-CPHD in a Ground Target Tracking Scenario

Daniel Svensson, Johannes Wintenby, Lennart Svensson
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, p. 300-307
Paper in proceeding

Multiple Model Filtering with Switch Time Conditions

Lennart Svensson, Daniel Svensson
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Fusion
Paper in proceeding

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