Dhammika Bokolamulla

Showing 15 publications


Iterative Decoding of Serially Concatenated CPM in Fading Channels with Noisy Channel State Information

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Teng Joon Lim, Tor Aulin
IEEE Transactions on Communications. Vol. 57 (4), p. 1079-1086
Journal article

Serially Concatenated Space-Time Coded Continuous Phase Modulated Signals

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Tor Aulin
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Vol. 6 (10), p. 3487-3492
Journal article

Low-complexity iterative detection based on limited bi-directional search

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Anders Hansson, Tor Aulin
IEE Proceedings Communications. Vol. 153 (6)
Journal article

Serially Concatenated Space-Time Coded Continuous Phase Modulation

Dhammika Bokolamulla
Doctoral thesis

Multiuser Detection for Continuous Phase Modulation over Rayleigh

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Tor Aulin
IEEE Communications Letters. Vol. 9 (10), p. 906 - 908
Journal article

Performance of Space-Time Coded Continuous Phase Modulated Signals Over Different Fading Environments

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Tor Aulin
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. Vol. 2005-January, p. 1048-1052
Paper in proceeding

Symbol-by-Symbol Detection of Space-Time Coded Continuous Phase Modulated Signals

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Tor Aulin
IEEE International Conference on Communications, p. 805-809
Paper in proceeding

Multiuser Continuous Phase Modulation over Rayleigh Fading

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Tor Aulin
The Canadian Workshop on Information Theory
Paper in proceeding

Symbol-by-Symbol Detection of Space-Time Coded Continuous Phase Modulated Signals over Fast Rayleigh Fading Channels

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Tor Aulin
IEEE Information Theory Workshop, p. 11-14
Paper in proceeding

Reduced-Complexity Iterative Decoding Using a Variable-Size Trellis Structure

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Tor Aulin
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Chicago. JUN 27-JUL 02, 2004, p. 489-489
Paper in proceeding

A New Stopping Criterion for Iterative Decoding

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Tor Aulin
IEEE International Conference on Communications, Paris, FRANCE. JUN 20-24, 2004
Paper in proceeding

Reduced Complexity Iterative Decoding for Concatenated Coding Schemes

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Tor Aulin
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Anchorage, 11-15 May, 2003, p. 3135-3139
Paper in proceeding

Low-Complexity Iterative Detection Based on Bi-Directional Trellis Search

Dhammika Bokolamulla, A. Hansson, Tor Aulin
Proccedings. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Yokohama, 29 June-4 July 2003, p. 396-
Paper in proceeding

Reduced Complexity Techniques for Iterative Decoding

Dhammika Bokolamulla
Licentiate thesis

Reduced Complexity Iterative Decoding for Concatenated Coding

Dhammika Bokolamulla, Tor Aulin
IEEE International Conference on Communication
Paper in proceeding

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