Dolores Olausson

Senior Research Engineer at Energy and Material

Senior research engineer at Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (OOMK1). Her research focuses on corrosion issues in biomass and waste fired boilers. The aim is to increase the knowledge of the corrosion mechanisms and thereby mitigating the corrosion by either improving the corrosion resistance of the material or making the environment less corrosive. The research is done as a combination of lab test at Chalmers and field test in different boilers/power plants in collaboration with industrial partners.

She is also one of the division contact persons for work environment questions. She is a part of the security and work environment group at Chemistry and she is responsible for spread relevant information regarding work environment at Chemistry building.

She is responsible for purchases of chemicals and lab equipment at OOMK1.

Image of Dolores Olausson

Showing 8 publications


High-Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Superheater Materials at 600 °C: Insights from Laboratory and Field Exposures

Vicent Ssenteza, Dolores Olausson, Johan Eklund et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 39 (1), p. 819-827
Journal article

A material degradation study of novel FeCrAl alloys, stainless steels and nickel base alloy in fluidized bed heat exchangers of a waste-fired CFB boiler

Hampus Lindmark, Julien Phother Simon, Maria Dolores Paz Olausson et al
Fuel. Vol. 338
Journal article

High temperature corrosion memory in a waste fired boiler – Influence of sulfur

Maria Dolores Paz Olausson, Julien Phother Simon, Sven Andersson et al
Waste Management. Vol. 130, p. 30-37
Journal article

High Temperature Corrosion and Dioxin Abatement Using Sulfur Recirculation in a Waste-to-Energy Plant

Sven Andersson, Maria Dolores Paz Olausson, Julien Phother Simon et al
Detritus. Vol. 5 (Mars), p. 92-98
Journal article

Field exposure of FeCrAl model alloys in a waste-fired boiler at 600°C: The influence of Cr and Si on the corrosion behaviour

Johan Eklund, Maria Dolores Paz Olausson, B. Jonsson et al
Materials and Corrosion. Vol. 70 (8), p. 1476-1485
Journal article

Correlation between field and laboratory exposures for boiler corrosion test – mechanistic study of chlorine induced corrosion.

Mercedes Andrea Olivas Ogaz, Maria Dolores Paz, Torbjörn Jonsson et al
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on FBC, p. 318-325
Paper in proceeding

Investigating corrosion memory: The influence of previous boiler operation on current corrosion rate

Maria Dolores Paz, Dongmei Zhao, Sofia Karlsson et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 156, p. 348-356
Journal article

The effect of startup procedure of probe exposures on deposit and corrosion formation in a waste fired CFB boiler.

Mercedes Andrea Olivas Ogaz, Maria Dolores Paz, Torbjörn Jonsson et al
Other conference contribution

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