Dorian Staudt

Doctoral Student at Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering

Dorian Staudt is a PhD student in the research group Computer vision and medical image analysis, focusing their research on energy-based models.
Dorian is involved in a project investigating the connections between energy-based models and deep learning to further the understanding and interpretations of, e.g., deep neural networks.
This project is funded by the Chalmers AI Research Centre (CHAIR).

Image of Dorian Staudt

Showing 2 publications


Dual Propagation: Accelerating Contrastive Hebbian Learning with Dyadic Neurons

Rasmus Kjær Høier, Dorian Staudt, Christopher Zach
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. Vol. 202, p. 13141-13156
Paper in proceeding

Effortless Training of Joint Energy-Based Models with Sliced Score Matching

Xixi Liu, Dorian Staudt, Che-Tsung Lin et al
Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. 2022-August, p. 2643-2649
Paper in proceeding

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