Denis Ostrovskii

Showing 32 publications


Desorption of n-alkanes from graphene: a van der Waals density functional study

Elisa Londero, Emma Karlson, Marcus Landahl et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 24 (42), p. 424212-
Journal article

Cation coordination and hydrogen bonding in potassium and magnesium based-di-amidosil hybrids

S. C. Nunes, V. D. Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii et al
Journal of Molecular Structure. Vol. 874 (1-3), p. 128-137
Journal article

Vibrational spectra and microstructure of poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/siloxane biohybrids doped with lithium triflate

S. C. Nunes, V. D. Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii et al
Journal of Molecular Structure. Vol. 879 (1-3), p. 72-80
Journal article

Cationic and anionic environments in LiTFSI-doped di-ureasils with application in solid-state electrochromic devices

S. C. Nunes, V. D. Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii et al
Chemical Physics. Vol. 345 (1), p. 32-40
Journal article

Sol-gel-derived potassium-based di-ureasils for "smart windows''

S. C. Nunes, V. D. Bermudez, M. M. Silva et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry. Vol. 17 (40), p. 4239-4248
Journal article

Spectroscopic and structural studies of di-ureasils doped with lithium perchlorate

S. C. Nunes, V. D. Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii et al
Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 53 (4), p. 1466-1475
Journal article

Nanoscopic photoluminescence memory as a fingerprint of complexity in self-assembled alkyl/siloxane hybrids

L. D. Carlos, V. D. Bermudez, V. S. Amaral et al
Advanced Materials. Vol. 19 (3), p. 341-348
Journal article

Sol-gel preparation of a di-ureasil electrolyte doped with lithium perchlorate

M. M. Silva, S. C. Nunes, P. C. Barbosa et al
Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 52 (4), p. 1542-1548
Journal article

FT-IR and Raman spectroscopic study of di-urea cross-linked poly(oxyethylene)/siloxane ormolytes doped with Zn2+ ions

S. C. Nunes, V. D. Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii et al
Vibrational Spectroscopy. Vol. 40 (2), p. 278-288
Journal article

Interaction between medetomidine and alkyd resins: NMR and FTIR, investigation of antifouling marine paint model systems

Lyuba Shtykova, Denis Ostrovskii, Per Jacobsson et al
Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Vol. 99 (5), p. 2797-2809
Journal article

Structure and photoluminescence of di-amidosil nanohybrids incorporating europium triflate

S. C. Nunes, V. D. Bermudez, J. Cybinska et al
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol. 451 (1-2), p. 510-515
Paper in proceeding

Diurea cross-linked poly(oxyethylene)/siloxane ormolytes for lithium batteries

S. C. Nunes, V. D. Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 152 (2)
Journal article

A high-pressure study of PMMA-based gels with and without TiO2 nano-particle filler: a filler induced change in the activation volume

Ove Andersson, Denis Ostrovskii, Per Jacobsson
Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 50 (16-17), p. 3217-3223
Journal article

Di-ureasil ormolytes doped with Mg2+ ions: Part 2. Cationic and anionic environments

S. C. Nunes, V. D. Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii et al
Solid State Ionics. Vol. 176 (17-18), p. 1601-1611
Journal article

Structure and photoluminescent features of di-amide cross-linked alkylene-siloxane hybrids

S. C. Nunes, V. D. Bermudez, J. Cybinska et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry. Vol. 15 (35-36), p. 3876-3886
Journal article

Matrix assisted formation of ferrihydrite nanoparticles in a siloxane/poly(oxyethylene) nanohybrid

N. J. O. Silva, V. S. Amaral, V. D. Bermudez et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry. Vol. 15 (4), p. 484-490
Journal article

Eu3+ coordination in an organic/inorganic hybrid matrix with methyl end-capped short polyether chains

V. D. Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii, Maria M. Gonçalves et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 109 (15), p. 7110-7119
Journal article

Local structure and near-infrared emission features of neodymium-based amine functionalized organic/inorganic hybrids

M. C. Goncalves, N. J. O. Silva, V. D. Bermudez et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 109 (43), p. 20093-20104
Journal article

Urethane cross-linked poly(oxythylene)/siliceous nanohybrids doped with Eu3+ ions: Part II: Ion association

V. D. Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii, Serhiy Lavoryk et al
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.. Vol. 6, p. 648-658
Journal article

Urethane cross-linked poly(oxyethylene)/siliceous nanohybrids doped with Eu3+ ions. Part II: ion association

V. de Zea Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii, S. Lavoryk et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 6, p. 648-658
Journal article

Cationic and anionic environments in mono-urethanesil hybrids doped with magnesium triflate

Maria M. Gonçalves, V. D. Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii et al
Solid State Ionics. Vol. 166 (1-2), p. 103-114
Journal article

Urethane cross-linked poly(oxyethylene)/siliceous nanohybrids doped with Eu3+ ions. Part I: Coordinating ability of the host matrix

V. de Zea Bermudez, Denis Ostrovskii, Maria M. Gonçalves et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 6 (3), p. 638-648
Journal article

A study on PVdF-based SiO2-containing composite gel-type polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries

Mario Wachtler, Denis Ostrovskii, Per Jacobsson et al
Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 50 (2-3), p. 357-361
Journal article

Preparation of proton-conducting membranes by direct sulfonation. 1. Effect of radicals and radical decay on the sulfonation of poly(vinyl fluoride) films

M Paronen, F Sundholm, Denis Ostrovskii et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 15 (23), p. 4447-4455
Journal article

Weak polymer-electrolyte interaction revealed by Fermi resonance perturbed Raman bands.

Denis Ostrovskii, Magnus Edvardsson, Per Jacobsson
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. Vol. 34 (1), p. 40-49
Journal article

Macro- and microscopic properties of nonaqueous proton conducting membranes based on PAN.

D Satolli, M.A. Navarra, S Panero et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 150 (3), p. A267-A273
Journal article

A Raman Study of the Structural and Chemical Stability of a Poly(acrylonitrile) Matrix in Gel-type Polymer Electrolytes,

Denis Ostrovskii, Per Jacobsson
J.Electrochem.Soc.. Vol. 149, p. 662-666
Journal article

A FTIR and Raman study of spontaneous reactions occurring at the LiNiyCo(1-y)O2 electrode/non-aqueous electrolyte interface

Denis Ostrovskii, F Ronci, B Scrosati et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 94, p. 183-188
Journal article

Reactivity of lithium battery electrode materials toward non-aqueous electrolytes: spontaneous reactions at the electrode-electrolyte interface investigated by FTIR

Denis Ostrovskii, F Ronci, B Scrosati et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 103, p. 10-17
Journal article

Concentrational changes in PAN-based polymer gel electrolyte under current flow: in situ micro-Raman investigation.

Denis Ostrovskii, Per Jacobsson
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 97-98, p. 667-670
Journal article

Cation coordination in ion conducting gels based on PEO-grafted polymers

Josefina Adebahr, P Gavelin, P Jannasch et al
Solid State Ionics. Vol. 135 (1-4), p. 149-154
Journal article

Raman Spectroscopic Characterization of Association and Thermoreversibel Gelation in Aqueous Systems of Poly(N-acetamidoacrylamide).

Denis Ostrovskii, Per Jacobsson, B Nyström et al
Macromolecules. Vol. 32, p. 5552-
Journal article

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