Dragi Anevski

Showing 9 publications


Polymorphisms associated with cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular events

S. Kathiresan, O. Melander, Dragi Anevski et al
New England Journal of Medicine. Vol. 358 (12), p. 1240-1249
Journal article

Chemogenetic fingerprinting by analysis of cellular growth dynamics.

Jonas Warringer, Dragi Anevski, Beidong Liu et al
BMC Chemical Biology. Vol. 8, p. 3-
Journal article

Optimization of opportunistic replacement activities: A case study in the aircraft industry

Torgny Almgren, Niclas Andréasson, Dragi Anevski et al

Optimization of opportunistic replacement activities: A case study in the aircraft industry

Michael Patriksson, Torgny Almgren, Niclas Andreasson et al

Variation in GYS1 Interacts with Exercise and Gender to Predict Cardiovascular Mortality

J. Fredriksson, Dragi Anevski, P. Almgren et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 2 (3)
Journal article

Interarrival times in a counting process and bird watching

Dragi Anevski
Statistica Neerlandica. Vol. 61 (2), p. 198-208
Journal article

Common variants in HNF-1 α and risk of type 2 diabetes

J. Holmkvist, C. Cervin, V. Lyssenko et al
Diabetologia. Vol. 49 (12), p. 2882-2891
Journal article

A general asymptotic scheme for inference under order restrictions

Dragi Anevski, O. Hossjer
Annals of Statistics. Vol. 34 (4), p. 1874-1930
Journal article

Genetic prediction of future type 2 diabetes

V. Lyssenko, P. Almgren, Dragi Anevski et al
PLoS Medicine. Vol. 2 (12), p. 1299-1308
Journal article

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