Edit Ahlberg Helgee

Showing 10 publications


Comparison of Space-Charge Formation at Grain Boundaries in Proton-Conducting BaZrO3 and BaCeO3

Anders Lindman, Edit Ahlberg Helgee, Göran Wahnström
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 29 (18), p. 7931-7941
Journal article

Adsorption of metal atoms at a buckled graphene grain boundary using model potentials

Edit Ahlberg Helgee, Andreas Isacsson
AIP Advances. Vol. 6 (1)
Journal article

Diffraction and near-zero transmission of flexural phonons at graphene grain boundaries

Edit Ahlberg Helgee, Andreas Isacsson
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 91 (20)
Journal article

Scattering of flexural acoustic phonons at grain boundaries in graphene

Edit Ahlberg Helgee, Andreas Isacsson
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 90 (4)
Journal article

Theoretical modeling of defect segregation and space-charge formation in the BaZrO3 (210) 001 tilt grain boundary

Anders Lindman, Edit Ahlberg Helgee, Göran Wahnström
Solid State Ionics. Vol. 252, p. 121-125
Journal article

Oxygen vacancy segregation in grain boundaries of BaZrO3 using interatomic potentials

Anders Lindman, Edit Ahlberg Helgee, Joakim Nyman et al
Solid State Ionics. Vol. 230 (C), p. 27-31
Journal article

Origin of Space Charge in Grain Boundaries of Proton-Conducting BaZrO3

Edit Ahlberg Helgee, Anders Lindman, Göran Wahnström
Fuel Cells. Vol. 13 (1), p. 19-28
Journal article

Oxygen vacancy segregation and space-charge effects in grain boundaries of dry and hydrated BaZrO3

Joakim Nyman, Edit Ahlberg Helgee, Göran Wahnström
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 100 (6), p. 061903-
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Nonlinearities, Dissipation and Noise in graphene nanoresonators

Andreas Isacsson Condensed Matter Theory
Aurora Voje Condensed Matter Theory
Alexander Croy Condensed Matter Theory
Christin Rhen Condensed Matter Theory
Edit Ahlberg Helgee Condensed Matter Theory
Swedish Research Council (VR)

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