Ida Ekmark

Doctoral Student at Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Image of Ida Ekmark

Showing 6 publications


Fluid and kinetic studies of tokamak disruptions using Bayesian optimization

Ida Ekmark, M. Hoppe, Tünde-Maria Fülöp et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 90 (3)
Journal article

First numerical analysis of runaway electron generation in tungsten-rich plasmas towards ITER

J. Walkowiak, M. Hoppe, Ida Ekmark et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 64 (3)
Journal article

Fluid and kinetic modeling of runaway electron generation from tritium beta decay and Compton scattering

Ida Ekmark, M. Hoppe, Tünde-Maria Fülöp et al
50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2024
Paper in proceeding

Bayesian optimization of massive material injection for disruption mitigation in tokamaks

Istvan Pusztai, Ida Ekmark, H. Bergström et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 89 (2)
Journal article

Bayesian optimization of disruption scenarios with fluid-kinetic models

Ida Ekmark, Istvan Pusztai, M. Hoppe et al
49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2023
Paper in proceeding

Runaway electron generation during tokamak start-up

Mathias Hoppe, Ida Ekmark, Esmée Berger et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 88 (3)
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


OptiFun: Optimising Fusion with Functional Programming

Patrik Jansson Functional Programming
Ida Ekmark Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Tünde-Maria Fülöp Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Nicola Botta Functional Programming
Istvan Pusztai Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Nicholas Smallbone Functional Programming

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