Elin Becker
Showing 18 publications
Methane oxidation over supported noble metals-mechanistic consequences of transient operation
Study of the Sensing Mechanism Towards Carbon Monoxide of Platinum-Based Field Effect Sensors
Interactions of methane and carbon monoxide with platinum - Supported catalysts and chemical sensors
123. In situ DRIFT study of the CO response mechanism of MISFET sensors using a Pt/SiO2 model sensor
Methane oxidation over supported platinum – mechanistic consequences of periodic operation
Methane oxidation over alumina and ceria supported platinum
Methane oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 – a transient in situ XANES study
A time-resolved in situ XANES study of transient methane oxidation over alumina supported platinum
In situ DRIFT study of the CO response mechanism of MISFET sensors using a Pt/SiO2 model sensor
Nanotechnology improves mechanistic studies in solid state gas sensors
In Situ DRIFT study of hydrogen and CO adsorption on Pt/SiO2 model sensors
In situ DRIFT study of hydrogen and CO adsorption on Pt/SiO2 model sensors
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