Elin Becker

Showing 18 publications


In situ studies of supported platinum catalysts for environmental applications -Mechanistic consequences of periodic operation for catalytic oxidation of CO and methane

Magnus Skoglundh, Elin Becker, Lisa Kylhammar et al
Presented at the Swedish-German Workshop on In situ X-ray Techniques, Rosersberg Castle, Sweden, October 6-7 2011
Paper in proceeding

Methane oxidation over supported noble metals-mechanistic consequences of transient operation

Per-Anders Carlsson, Elin Becker, Lisa Kylhammar et al
Proceedings of the 22st North American Meeting Detroit, USA, June 5-11
Paper in proceeding

In Situ Spectroscopic Investigation of Low-Temperature Oxidation of Methane over Alumina-Supported Platinum during Periodic Operation

Elin Becker, Per-Anders Carlsson, Lisa Kylhammar et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 115 (4), p. 944-951
Journal article

Study of the Sensing Mechanism Towards Carbon Monoxide of Platinum-Based Field Effect Sensors

Elin Becker, M. Andersson, M. Eriksson et al
IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol. 11 (7), p. 1527-1534
Journal article

123. In situ DRIFT study of the CO response mechanism of MISFET sensors using a Pt/SiO2 model sensor

Elin Becker, Mike Andersson, Anita Lloyd Spetz et al
7th Annual IEEE Conference on Sensors, Lecce, Italy October 26-29, 2008
Paper in proceeding

Methane oxidation over supported platinum – mechanistic consequences of periodic operation

Per-Anders Carlsson, Elin Becker, Michael Nordström et al
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (CAPoC8), Brussels, Belgium, April 15-17, 2009
Paper in proceeding

Methane oxidation over alumina and ceria supported platinum

Elin Becker, Per-Anders Carlsson, Magnus Skoglundh
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 52 (13-20), p. 1957-1961
Journal article

Methane oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 – a transient in situ XANES study

Elin Becker, Per-Anders Carlsson, Henrik Grönbeck et al
Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis, Göteborg, Sweden, October 5-7
Paper in proceeding

A time-resolved in situ XANES study of transient methane oxidation over alumina supported platinum

Elin Becker, Per-Anders Carlsson, Henrik Grönbeck et al
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis, Belfast, UK, August 31- September 3
Paper in proceeding

In situ DRIFT study of the CO response mechanism of MISFET sensors using a Pt/SiO2 model sensor

Elin Becker, Mike Andersson, Anita Lloyd Spetz et al
2008 IEEE Sensors, p. 1309-
Journal article

Nanotechnology improves mechanistic studies in solid state gas sensors

Anita Lloyd Spetz, Mike Andersson, Elin Becker et al
12th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Columbus, Ohio, USA, July 13-16, 2008
Paper in proceeding

In Situ DRIFT study of hydrogen and CO adsorption on Pt/SiO2 model sensors

Elin Becker, Mike Andersson, Anita Lloyd Spetz et al
6th Annual IEEE Conference on Sensors, Atlanta, GA, October 28-31, 2007
Paper in proceeding

In situ DRIFT study of hydrogen and CO adsorption on Pt/SiO2 model sensors

Elin Becker, Magnus Skoglundh, Mike Andersson et al
2007 IEEE Sensors. Vol. 1-3, p. 1028-1031
Paper in proceeding

Methane oxidation over alumina supported platinum investigated by time-resolved in situ XANES spectroscopy

Elin Becker, Per-Anders Carlsson, Henrik Grönbeck et al
Journal of Catalysis. Vol. 252 (1), p. 11-17
Journal article

Low-temperature activity for CO oxidation over diesel oxidation catalysts studied by high-throughput screening and DRIFT spectroscopy

Elin Becker, Peter Thormählen, Teuvo Maunula et al
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 42/43, p. 421-424
Journal article

Low-temperature activity for CO oxidation over diesel oxidation catalysts studied by high-throughput screening and DRIFT spectroscopy

Elin Becker, Peter Thormählen, Teuvo Mannula et al
7th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (CAPoC7), Brussels, Belgium, August 30-September 1, 2006
Paper in proceeding

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