Alexander Väljamäe
Showing 26 publications
Whole-body vibration influences on sound localization in the median plane
When Room Size Matters: Acoustic Influences on Emotional Responses to Sounds
Embodied auditory perception: The emotional impact of approaching and receding sound sources.
Emotional Reactions to differently sized auditory spaces
Auditory Landmarks Enhance Circular Vection in Multimodal Virtual Reality
Auditorily-induced illusory self-motion: A review
Emotional bias for the perception of rising tones
Handheld Experiences:Using Audio To Enhance the Illusion of Self-Motion
Filling-in visual motion with sounds
Binaural bone-conducted sound in virtual environments
Sound representing self-motion in virtual environments enhances linear vection
Affective multimodal displays: Acoustic spectra modulates perception of auditory-tactile signals
Whole-body vibration influence sound localization in the median plane.
Perceptual Optimization of Audio-visual Media: Moved by sound.
Auditory-visual perception of room size in virtual environments
Vibrotactile enhancement of auditory induced self-motion and spatial presence
Spatial sound in auditory vision substitution systems
Travelling without moving: Auditory scene cues for translational self-motion
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