Emilie Lundin Barse

Showing 5 publications


METAL - A tool for extracting attack manifestations

Ulf Larson, Emilie Lundin Barse, Erland Jonsson
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, Second International Conference, DIMVA 2005, p. 85-102
Paper in proceeding

Extracting attack manifestations to determine log data requirements for intrusion detection

Emilie Lundin Barse, Erland Jonsson
20th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2004)
Paper in proceeding

Logging for Intrusion and Fraud Detection

Emilie Lundin Barse
Doctoral thesis

Setting the Scene for Intrusion Detection

Emilie Lundin Barse, Erland Jonsson

Synthesizing test data for fraud detection systems

Emilie Lundin Barse, Håkan Kvarnström, Erland Jonsson
19th Annual Computer Security Conference, LAS VEGAS, NV, DEC 08-12, 2003, p. 384-394
Paper in proceeding

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