Emil Nyholm

Showing 23 publications


Bespoke climate indicators for the Swedish energy sector − a stakeholder focused approach

G. Strandberg, P. Blomqvist, N. Fransson et al
Climate Services. Vol. 34
Journal article

Actuating the European Energy System Transition: Indicators for Translating Energy Systems Modelling Results into Policy-Making

Mariliis Lehtveer, Lisa Göransson, Verena Heinisch et al
Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 9
Journal article

Impacts of demand response from buildings and centralized thermal energy storage on district heating systems

Dmytro Romanchenko, Emil Nyholm, Mikael Odenberger et al
Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 64
Journal article

Generating low-voltage grid proxies in order to estimate grid capacity for residential end-use technologies: The case of residential solar PV

Elias Hartvigsson, Mikael Odenberger, Peiyuan Chen et al
MethodsX. Vol. 8
Journal article

Estimating national and local low-voltage grid capacity for residential solar photovoltaic in Sweden, UK and Germany

Elias Hartvigsson, Mikael Odenberger, Peiyuan Chen et al
Renewable Energy. Vol. 171, p. 915-926
Journal article

Impact of electricity market feedback on investments in solar photovoltaic and battery systems in Swedish single-family dwellings

Joel Goop, Emil Nyholm, Mikael Odenberger et al
Renewable Energy. Vol. 163, p. 1078-1091
Journal article

Dataset for generating synthetic residential low-voltage grids in Sweden, Germany and the UK

Elias Hartvigsson, Mikael Odenberger, Peiyuan Chen et al
Data in Brief. Vol. 36
Journal article

Balancing investments in building energy conservation measures with investments in district heating – A Swedish case study

Dmytro Romanchenko, Emil Nyholm, Mikael Odenberger et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 226
Journal article

Self-consumption and self-sufficiency for household solar producers when introducing an electric vehicle

D. Gudmunds, Emil Nyholm, Maria Taljegård et al
Renewable Energy. Vol. 148 (April), p. 1200-1215
Journal article

The benefit of collaboration in the North European electricity system transition - System and sector perspectives

Lisa Göransson, Mariliis Lehtveer, Emil Nyholm et al
Energies. Vol. 12 (24)
Journal article

Flexibility Potential of Space Heating Demand Response in Buildings for District Heating Systems

Dmytro Romanchenko, Emil Nyholm, Mikael Odenberger et al
Energies. Vol. 12 (15)
Journal article

An economic assessment of distributed solar PV generation in Sweden from a consumer perspective - The impact of demand response

Emil Nyholm, Mikael Odenberger, Filip Johnsson
Renewable Energy. Vol. 108, p. 169-178
Journal article

Demand response potential of electrical space heating in Swedish single-family dwellings

Emil Nyholm, Sanket Puranik, Erika Mata Las Heras et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 96 (1), p. 270-282
Journal article

Solar photovoltaic-battery systems in Swedish households - Self-consumption and self-sufficiency

Emil Nyholm, Joel Goop, Mikael Odenberger et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 183, p. 148-159
Journal article

Teknologier för förnyelsebar elproduktion

Ola Carlson, Linus Hammar, Zack Norwood et al
Perspektiv på förnybar el 2014, p. 12-13
Book chapter

Harnessing energy flows: technologies for renewable power production

Ola Carlson, Linus Hammar, Zack Norwood et al
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 32-45
Book chapter

A Geospatial Comparison of Distributed Solar Heat and Power in Europe and the US

Zack Norwood, Emil Nyholm, Todd Otanicar et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 9 (12)
Journal article

Can demand response mitigate the impact of intermittent supply?

Emil Nyholm, David Steen
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 108-118
Book chapter

Solar photovoltaics for your home – Can DSM help it happen?

Emil Nyholm
Newsletter 2013:1 from Pathways to Sustainable European Energy Systems
Magazine article

Solar PV technology assessment - from radiation to power output

Emil Nyholm
Newsletter 2012:2 from Pathways to Sustainable European Energy Systems
Magazine article

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Showing 3 research projects


Analys av elanvändningens sammansättning och tidsberoende

Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Mikael Odenberger Energy Technology 2
Emil Nyholm Energy Technology 2
Viktor Johansson Energy Technology 1
Lisa Göransson Energy Technology 2

1 publication exists

Demand Response of the future Swedish building stock

Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Dmytro Romanchenko Energy Technology 1
Mikael Odenberger Energy Technology
Emil Nyholm Energy Technology 2
Lisa Göransson Energy Technology 2
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Sustainable European Energy Systems

Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Stefan Wirsenius Physical Resource Theory
Jan Kjärstad Energy Technology
Erika Mata Las Heras Energy Technology
Fredrik Normann Energy Technology
Katarina Gårdfeldt Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV)
Ulrika Claeson Colpier Energy Technology
Andrea Egeskog Physical Resource Theory
Simon Harvey Energy Technology
Thore Berntsson Energy Technology
Anh Tuan Le Electric Power Engineering
Emil Nyholm Energy Technology
Göran Berndes Physical Resource Theory
Henrik Thunman Energy Technology
Maria Taljegård Energy Technology
Jonas Nässén Physical Resource Theory
Mikael Odenberger Energy Technology
Johan Rootzén Energy Technology
Eoin Ó Broin Energy Technology
Lina Reichenberg Energy Technology
Joel Goop Energy Technology
Lisa Göransson Energy Technology
Halmstad University
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists
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