Eric Lindström

Doctoral Student at Applied Mathematics and Statistics

I am a PhD student doing research within applied mathematics. I am mostly experienced in numerical methods for PDEs, and I am currently working on a project about inverse problems for Maxwell equations applied to anatomically realistic phantom pictures of breasts.

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Showing 4 publications


Energy norm error estimates and convergence analysis for a stabilized Maxwell's equations in conductive media

Eric Lindström, Larisa Beilina
Applications of Mathematics. Vol. In Press
Journal article

A Posteriori Error Estimates and Adaptive Error Control for Permittivity Reconstruction in Conductive Media

Larisa Beilina, Eric Lindström
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. 429, p. 117-141
Paper in proceeding

Truncated SVD for Applications in Microwave Thermometry

Larisa Beilina, Eric Lindström, L. Frischauf et al
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. 429, p. 143-165
Paper in proceeding

An Adaptive Finite Element/Finite Difference Domain Decomposition Method for Applications in Microwave Imaging

Larisa Beilina, Eric Lindström
Electronics (Switzerland). Vol. 11 (9)
Journal article

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