Erkin Asutay

Showing 13 publications


Auditory attentional selection is biased by reward cues

Erkin Asutay, Daniel Västfjäll
Scientific Reports. Vol. 6
Journal article

Negative emotion provides cues for orienting auditory spatial attention

Erkin Asutay, Daniel Västfjäll
Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 6 (MAY)
Journal article

Attentional and emotional prioritization of the sounds occurring outside the visual field

Erkin Asutay, Daniel Västfjäll
Emotion. Vol. 15 (3), p. 281-286
Journal article

Emotional bias in change deafness in multisource auditory environments

Erkin Asutay, Daniel Västfjäll
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Vol. 143 (1), p. 27-32
Journal article

Perception of loudness is influenced by emotion

Erkin Asutay, Daniel Västfjäll
PLoS ONE. Vol. 7 (6), p. e38660-
Journal article

Emoacoustics: A study of the psychoacoustical and psychological dimensions of emotional sound design

Erkin Asutay, Daniel Västfjäll, Ana Tajadura et al
AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. Vol. 60 (1/2), p. 21-28
Journal article

Development of methodology for documentation of key action properties and haptic sensation of pipe organ playing

Erkin Asutay, Mendel Kleiner, Daniel Västfjäll
Acoustics Bulletin. Vol. 37 (5), p. 42-44
Journal article

Embodied auditory perception: The emotional impact of approaching and receding sound sources.

Ana Tajadura, Alexander Väljamäe, Erkin Asutay et al
Emotion. Vol. 10 (2), p. 216-229
Journal article

Haptic sensation in organ playing

Erkin Asutay, Daniel Västfjäll, Mendel Kleiner
Haptic Audio Interaction Design 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference poster

Emoacoustics: a study on the physical and psychological dimensions of sound design

Erkin Asutay, Daniel Västfjäll, Ana Tajadura et al
3rd Int. Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems, 2010, Bautzen, Germany, p. 35-39
Paper in proceeding

Emoacoustics: sound character versus source meaning in emotional responses to sounds

Penny Bergman, Daniel Västfjäll, Erkin Asutay et al
Icben 2008
Conference poster

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