Johan Sjöström

Showing 10 publications


Long-Range Diffusion in Xylitol-Water Mixtures

Khalid Elamin, Stefano Cazzato, Johan Sjöström et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 117 (24), p. 7363-7369
Journal article

Calorimetric and relaxation properties of xylitol-water mixtures

Khalid Elamin, Johan Sjöström, Helen Jansson et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 136 (10)
Journal article

Effects of Water Contamination on the Supercooled Dynamics of a Hydrogen-Bonded Model Glass Former

Johan Sjöström, Rikard Bergman, Carl Wadell et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 115 (8), p. 1842-1847
Journal article

Hydrogen Bond Induced Nonmonotonic Composition Behavior of the Glass Transition in Aqueous Binary Mixtures

Johan Sjöström, Johan Mattsson, Rikard Bergman et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 115 (33), p. 10013-10017
Journal article

Dielectric secondary relaxation of water in aqueous binary glass-formers

Johan Sjöström, Johan Mattsson, Rikard Bergman et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 12 (35), p. 10452-10456
Journal article

Reduced mobility of di-propylene glycol methylether in its aqueous mixtures by quasielastic neutron scattering

Jan Swenson, Johan Sjöström, F. Fernandez-Alonso
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 133 (23)
Journal article

Investigating hydration dependence of dynamics of confined water: Monolayer, hydration water and Maxwell-Wagner processes

Johan Sjöström, Jan Swenson, Rikard Bergman et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 128 (15), p. art. nr. 154503-
Journal article

The dynamics of water in hydrated white bread by quasielastic neutron scattering

Florian Kargl, F Fernandez-Alonso, Jan Swenson et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 19 (41)
Paper in proceeding

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