Juan Forero Saboya

Showing 3 publications


A guanidium salt as a chaotropic agent for aqueous battery electrolytes

John Brown, Juan Forero Saboya, Benoît Baptiste et al
Chemical Communications. Vol. 59 (82), p. 12266-12269
Journal article

Solvent-free lithium and sodium containing electrolytes based on pseudo-delocalized anions

Juan Forero Saboya, Elham Hosseini Bab Anari, Muhammad Abdelhamid et al
Chemical Communications. Vol. 55 (5), p. 632-635
Journal article

Water-in-Bisalt Electrolyte with Record Salt Concentration and Widened Electrochemical Stability Window

Juan Forero Saboya, Elham Hosseini Bab Anari, Muhammad Abdelhamid et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Vol. 10 (17), p. 4942-4946
Journal article

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