Feng Tao

Showing 7 publications


Three-Dimensional Simulation of Diesel Spray Ignition and Flame Lift-Off Using OpenFOAM and KIVA-3V CFD Codes

Fabian Kärrholm Peng, Feng Tao, P. A. Niklas Nordin
SAE Technical Papers
Journal article

On Performance of Advection Schemes in the Prediction of Diesel Spray and Fuel Vapour Distributions

Fabian Kärrholm Peng, Feng Tao
ILASS 2008, Como Lake
Paper in proceeding

Effect of ultra-high injection pressure on diesel ignition and flame under high-boost conditions

Feng Tao, Pär Bergstrand
SAE Technical Papers: 2008 SAE International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Congress; Shanghai; China; 23 June 2008 through 25 June 2008
Paper in proceeding

Characterization of Soot Particle Distribution in Conventional, Non-Premixed DI Diesel Flame Using a Multi-Step Phenomenological Soot Model

Feng Tao, Rolf D. Reitz, David E. Foster
Proceedings of Combustion Institute. Vol. 31, p. 2991-2998
Journal article

A phenomenological model for the prediction of soot formation in diesel spray combustion

Feng Tao, Valeri Golovitchev, Jerzy Chomiak
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 136, p. 270-282
Journal article

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