Gary Hovey

Visiting Researcher at Onsala Space Observatory image

Showing 3 publications


Characterization of the Beam and the Aperture of the Onsala Twin Telescopes

Gary Hovey, Mugundhan Vijayaraghavan, Rüdiger Haas et al
2023 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2023, p. 351-
Paper in proceeding

A framework for RFI simulation and performance verification

Gary Hovey, Federico Di Vruno
RFI 2019 - Proceedings of 2019 Radio Frequency Interference: Coexisting with Radio Frequency Interference
Paper in proceeding

Wideband single pixel feed system over 4.6-24 GHz for the Square Kilometre Array

Jonas Flygare, Bin Dong, Jian Yang et al
Proceedings of the 2019 21st International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2019, p. 630-635
Paper in proceeding

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