Debarshee Ghosh
Debarshee Ghosh is a PhD student in the Mechanics and Maritime Sciences department since July 2020. His PhD focusses on developing the CFD simulation and analysis methods for the electric fans in battery electric vehicles (BEV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). The goal of his PhD is to achieve 20% increase in efficiency of single fan configuration and a 10% increase in efficiency in a multi-fan cluster. This PhD is in collaboration with Volvo Cars Corporation and Volvo Group Trucks Technology. Debarshee is also currently a teaching assistant for MTF073, TME210 and TME085.

Showing 9 publications
Computational Aeroacoustics of Inlet Geometry on Tip Noise for Low Pressure Axial Fans
Computational Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Low-Pressure Axial Fans
Aerodynamic Analysis of Low-Pressure Axial Fans Installed in Parallel
Computational aeroacoustics of low-pressure axial fans installed in parallel
Aerodynamic Design and Installation Effects of Automotive Electric Cooling Fans
Design of a sub-scale fan for a boundary layer ingestion test with by-pass flow
Wind tunnel & CFD investigations of ICE3 train
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