Göran Gustafsson

Showing 19 publications


A case study of printed circuit boards recycling by disintegrator technology

Artur Klauson, Dmitri Goljandin, Priit Kulu et al
AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2989 (1)
Paper in proceeding

A set-based-inspired design process supported by axiomatic design and interactive evolutionary algorithms

Mikael Ström, Krister Wolff, Jeremy Jean-Jean et al
International Journal of Product Development. Vol. 27 (3), p. 186-212
Journal article

Trends, observations and drivers for change in systems engineering design

Ola Isaksson, Ívar Örn Arnarsson, Dag Henrik Bergsjö et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED. Vol. 3, p. 201-210
Paper in proceeding

Unveiling fundamental relationships in industrial product development

Göran Gustafsson, Dag Raudberget, Mikael Ström
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 50, p. 204-209
Paper in proceeding

Instant Set-Based Design, an Easy Path to Set-Based Design

Mikael Ström, Dag Raudberget, Göran Gustafsson
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 50, p. 234-239
Paper in proceeding

The Volvo Robust Engineering System: how to make robust design work in an industrial context

Azadeh Fazl Mashhadi, Sverker Alänge, Göran Gustafsson et al
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. Vol. 27 (5-6), p. 1-19
Journal article

Development of a methodology to implement set-based design in a day

Mikael Ström, Dag Raudberget, Göran Gustafsson
Proceedings of the DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference
Paper in proceeding

A Method to Understand and Improve Your Engineering Processes Using Value Stream Mapping

Mikael Ström, Göran Gustafsson, Ingrid Fritzell et al
4th International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD'13: Global Product Development, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 7-9 January 2013. A. Chakrabarti and R. V. Prakash (eds.), ICoRD’13, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer India 2013, p. 821-831
Paper in proceeding

A National Academic-Industrial Research Program with an Integrated Graduate Research School

Göran Gustafsson, Lars Frenning
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering: 4th International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD'13. Global Product Development, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 7-9 January 2013, p. 1117-1127
Paper in proceeding

Transformation to Lean Product Development – Approaches at Two Automotive Suppliers

Mikael Ström, Mats Alemyr, Stefan Bükk et al
12th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2012; Dubrovnik; Croatia; 21 May 2012 through 24 May 2012. Vol. DS 70, p. 113-122
Paper in proceeding

Concept Questions in Engineering: The Next Step

Peter Goodhew, Göran Gustafsson, Matthew Murphy
8th International CDIO Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 1-4 July 2012. (AdWshop4)
Paper in proceeding

Trade Studies and Set-based Thinking in Support of Knowledge-based Development : Part 2 Comparing Alternatives in SBCE by Systematic Trade Studies

Göran Gustafsson
Knowledge Based Development Forum on System Engineering and Lean Product Development. Drammen, Norway, 7-8 February 2012
Other conference contribution

Ten Years of CDIO - Experiences from a Long-Term Education Development Process

Johan Malmqvist, Johan Bankel, Mikael Enelund et al
Proceedings of the 6th International CDIO Conference, Montreal, Canada
Paper in proceeding

Multidisciplinary Project-based Product Development Learning in Collaboration with Industry

Fredrik Berglund, Hans L Johannesson, Göran Gustafsson
The 3rd International CDIO Conference, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 11-14
Paper in proceeding

To Rescue Eggs - A Design-Build-Test Experience for Children

Per-Anders Träff, Maria Knutson Wedel, Göran Gustafsson et al
Proceedings of the 3rd International CDIO Conference, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 11-14
Paper in proceeding

A National Graduate Research School in Product Realization

Lars Frenning, Göran Gustafsson
Proceedings of the ConnectED 2007 International Conference on Design Education, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 9-12 July 2007.
Paper in proceeding

Computer Support for Requirements Management in an International Product Development Project

Krister Sutinen, Göran Gustafsson, Johan Malmqvist
2004 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; Salt Lake City, UT; United States; 28 September 2004 through 2 October 2004. Vol. 3, p. 189-200
Paper in proceeding

Towards A New Model for First-Year Introductory Courses in Engineering Programmes

Göran Gustafsson, Johan Malmqvist, Dava Newman et al
Proceedings of NordDesign-2002, Trondheim, Norway, p. 91-100
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Open Obeya - A system engineering lab

Hans L Johannesson Product Development
Lars Almefelt Product Development
Göran Gustafsson Product Development


Integrated business and product realization model for 1st tier suppliers

Mats Alemyr Product Development
Göran Gustafsson Product Development
Hans L Johannesson Product Development

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