Eamon O Gorman
Showing 16 publications
ALMA and VLA reveal the lukewarm chromospheres of the nearby red supergiants Antares and Betelgeuse
A search for radio emission from exoplanets around evolved stars
The shock-heated atmosphere of an asymptotic giant branch star resolved by ALMA
Detection of thermal radio emission from a single coronal giant
ALMA observations of TiO2 around VY CMa
Temporal evolution of the size and temperature of Betelgeuse's extended atmosphere
The Wind Acceleration Region of Betelgeuse: Resolved at Centimeter Wavelengths
Resolving the stellar activity of the Mira AB binary with ALMA
ALMA observations of TiO2 around VY Canis Majoris
ALMA Observations of Anisotropic Dust Mass Loss around VY CMa
ALMA sub-mm maser and dust distribution of VY Canis Majoris
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