Gustaf Rydbeck

Associate Professor at Astronomy and Plasmaphysics

Image of Gustaf Rydbeck

Showing 14 publications


Gas and dust in the star-forming region ρ Oph A ∗, ∗∗, ∗∗∗: The dust opacity exponent β and the gas-to-dust mass ratio g2d

René Liseau, B. Larsson, Tuomas Lunttila et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 578
Journal article

Physical properties of outflows Comparing CO- and H2O-based parameters in Class 0 sources

Per Bjerkeli, René Liseau, B. Nisini et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 552
Journal article

H2O line mapping at high spatial and spectral resolution Herschel observations of the VLA 1623 outflow

Per Bjerkeli, René Liseau, B. Larsson et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 546, p. Article Number: A29 -
Journal article

The first spectral line surveys searching for signals from the dark ages

Carina Persson, R. Maoli, P. Encrenaz et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 515 (8)
Journal article

Statistical image deconvolution with uncertainties of observed maps of spectra

Gustaf Rydbeck
The Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 675, p. 1304-1318
Journal article

Upper limits to the water abundance in starburst galaxies

C.D. Wilson, Roy Booth, Åke Olofsson et al
Astronomy & Astrophysics. Vol. 469, p. 121-124
Journal article

Molecular oxygen in the p Ophiuchi cloud

B. Larsson, René Liseau, L. Pagani et al
Astronomy & Astrophysics. Vol. 466, p. 999-1003
Journal article

Recent astroomy highlights from the Odin satellite

Åke Hjalmarson, Per Bergman, N. Biver et al
Advances in Space Research (a COSPAR publication). Vol. 36, p. 1031-1047
Journal article

Molecular gas in the galaxy M 83 1. The molecular gas distribution

A.A. Lundgren, Tommy Wiklind, H. Olofsson et al
Astronomy & Astrophysics. Vol. 413, p. 505-523
Journal article

CO in M51

Gustaf Rydbeck, Magnus Thomasson, Susanne Aalto et al
n Proceedings of "The Neutral ISM in Starburst Galaxies", Marstrand, June 2003, eds. Aalto S., Huettemeister S., Pedlar A., Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conf. Series, San Francisco, p. 152-155
Paper in proceeding

Molecular gas in the galaxy M 83 II . Kinematics of the molecular gas

A.A. Lundgren, H. Olofsson, Tommy Wiklind et al
Astronomy & Astrophysics. Vol. 422, p. 865-881
Journal article

Odin water mapping in the Orion KL region

Henrik Olofsson, G. Olofsson, Åke Hjalmarson et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 402 (3), p. L47-L54
Journal article

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