Jenny Halleröd

Showing 15 publications


Batch Tests for Optimisation of Solvent Composition and Process Flexibility of the CHALMEX FS-13 Process

Thea Lyseid Authen, A. Wilden, Jenny Halleröd et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 39 (1), p. 1-17
Journal article

Thermochemical effect of fission products on sodium – MOX fuel reaction: The case of niobium

Dan Tiberiu Costin, Lionel Desgranges, Victor Cabello-Ortiga et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 500, p. 361-365
Journal article

Solubility Thermodynamics of CyMe-BTBP in Various Diluents Mixed with TBP

Jenny Halleröd, Christian Ekberg, Ivan Kajan et al
Journal of Solution Chemistry. Vol. 47 (6), p. 1021-1036
Journal article

On the Basic Extraction Properties of a Phenyl Trifluoromethyl Sulfone-Based GANEX System Containing CyMe4-BTBP and TBP

Jenny Halleröd, Christian Ekberg, Thea Authen et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 36 (4), p. 360-372
Journal article

Phenyl trifluoromethyl sulfone as diluent in a grouped actinide extraction process: extraction properties of the solvent components TBP and CyMe4-BTBP

Jenny Halleröd, Emma Aneheim, Christian Ekberg
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 307 (3), p. 1711-1715
Journal article

Gamma-Radiolytic Stability of Solvents Containing C5-BPP (2,6-Bis(5-(2,2-dimethylpropyl)-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine) for Actinide(III)/Lanthanide(III) Separation

A. Wilden, G. Modolo, M. Hupert et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 34 (1), p. 1-12
Journal article

Development of the Chalmers grouped actinide extraction process

Jenny Halleröd, Christian Ekberg, Elin Löfström Engdahl et al
Nukleonika. Vol. 60 (4), p. 829-835
Journal article

Stability of phenyl trifluoromethyl sulfone as diluent in a grouped actinide extraction process

Jenny Halleröd, Christian Ekberg, Mark Foreman et al
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 304 (1), p. 287-291
Journal article

Purification of used scintillation liquids containing the alpha emitters americium and plutonium

Elin Löfström Engdahl, Gunnar Skarnemark, Khaled El Tayara et al
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 303 (2), p. 1133-1136
Journal article

Shelf-Life of e-Lysyl-3-(Trimethylstannyl)Benzamide Immunoconjugates, Precursors for At-211 Labeling of Antibodies

Emma Aneheim, Jenny Halleröd, Per Albertsson et al
Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals. Vol. 30 (1), p. 41-45
Journal article

Extraction thermodynamics of Am(III) and Eu(III) using CyMe4-BTBP in various organic diluents

Elin Löfström Engdahl, Emma Aneheim, Christian Ekberg et al
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. Vol. 76, p. 64-69
Journal article

Group actinide extraction processes for partitioning and transmutation: A Swedish perspective

Jenny Halleröd, Emma Aneheim, Christian Ekberg et al
Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 247
Journal article

Influence of ion size on complex stoichiometry in CyMe4-BTBP based extraction systems

Elin Löfström Engdahl, Emma Aneheim, Christian Ekberg et al
Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 247
Other conference contribution

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Showing 1 research projects


Safety of ACtinide Separation proceSSes (SACSESS)

Christian Ekberg Nuclear Chemistry
Jenny Halleröd Nuclear Chemistry
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists
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