Karl Hallin

Showing 6 publications


Towards a Framework for Integrated Information Management in Mechatronic Product Development

Karl Hallin, Trond Zimmerman, Johan Malmqvist
Proceedings of NordDesign-2004
Paper in proceeding

Information Model for the Mechatronic Product focusing the Functional Abstraction

Trond Zimmerman, Karl Hallin, Johan Malmqvist
Proceedings of Design-2004
Paper in proceeding

An Information Model for Mechatronic Products Focusing on Early Development Phases

Daniel Svensson, Karl Hallin, Trond Zimmerman et al
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Product Structuring, p. 111-129
Journal article

Modelling Information for Mechatronic Products

Karl Hallin, Trond Zimmerman, Daniel Svensson et al
Proceedings of ICED 03 (1331), p. 11-
Journal article

Sammanhållen informationsmodell för inbyggda system

D Andersson, Karl Hallin, J Hörnstein et al

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