Per Hanarp

Showing 16 publications


Corrosion induced degradation of Pt/C model electrodes measured with electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance

Björn Wickman, Henrik Grönbeck, Per Hanarp et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 157 (4), p. B592-B598
Journal article

Stability of nanostructured Pt/glassy carbon electrodes prepared by colloidal lithography

Y.E. Seidel, R.W. Lindstroem, Z. Jusys et al
Journal of Electrochemical Society. Vol. 155 (3), p. K50-K58
Journal article

Nanostructured glassy-carbon-supported Pt/GC elecrodes: The presence of secondary pt nanostructures and how to avoid them

Y.E. Seidel, M. Müller, Z. Jusys et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 155 (10), p. K171-K179
Journal article

Patterning colloidal monolayer films using microcontact particle stripping

Ann-Sofie Andersson, Karin Glasmästar, Per Hanarp et al
Nanotechnology. Vol. 18 (20)
Journal article

Nanometer-thick films of titanium oxide acting as electrolyte in the polymer electrolyte fuel cell

Henrik Ekström, Björn Wickman, Marie Gustavsson et al
Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 52 (12), p. 4239-4245
Journal article

Thin film Pt/TiO2 catalysts for the polymer electrolyte fuel cell

Marie Gustavsson, Henrik Ekström, Per Hanarp et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 163 (2), p. 671-678
Journal article

Stability of nanostructured Pt/GC electrodes prepared by colloidal lithography

Y.E. Seidel, R. Lindström, Z. Jusys et al
Journal of Electrochemical Society. Vol. 155 (3)
Journal article

A novel approach for measuring catalytic activity of planar model catalysts in the polymer electrolyte environment

Henrik Ekström, Per Hanarp, Marie Gustavsson et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 153, p. A724-A730
Journal article

Nanostructured biointerfaces

Hossein Agheli, Jenny Malmsström, Per Hanarp et al
Materials Science and Engineering C. Vol. 26, p. 911-917
Journal article

Light scattering in gold nanorings

Javier Aizpurua, L. Blanco, Per Hanarp et al
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. Vol. 89, p. 11-16
Journal article

Nanoscale Chemical Patterns Fabricated by Using Colloidal Lithography and Self-Assembled Monolayers

F.A. Denis, Per Hanarp, Duncan Sutherland et al
Langmuir. Vol. 20 (21), p. 9335-9339
Journal article

Optical Spectroscopy of Nanometric Holes in Thin Gold Films

Juris Prikulis, Per Hanarp, Linda Olofsson et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 4 (6), p. 1003-1007
Journal article

Protein adsorption on model surfaces with controlled nanotopography and chemistry

F. A. Denis, Per Hanarp, Duncan Sutherland et al
Langmuir. Vol. 18 (3), p. 819-828
Journal article

Functional surfaces for biorecognition and sensing

Fredrik Höök, Karin Glasmästar, Annette Graneli et al
Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 220, p. U257-U257
Paper in proceeding

Nanofabrication with colloidal particles

Per Hanarp
Licentiate thesis

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