Helen Fink

Showing 20 publications


Imaging lipid metabolism in Caenorhabditis elegans and other model organisms

Helen Fink, Christian Brackmann, Annika Enejder
Coherent Raman scattering microscopy, p. 405-420
Book chapter

Plaque-associated lipids in Alzheimer's diseased brain tissue visualized by nonlinear microscopy

Juris Kiskis, Helen Fink, Lena Nyberg et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 5, p. Art. no. 13489-
Journal article

Imaging of Lipids in Microalgae with Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy

Lillie Cavonius, Helen Fink, Juris Kiskis et al
Plant Physiology. Vol. 167 (3), p. 603-616
Journal article

CARS microscopy of Alzheimer's diseased brain tissue

Annika Enejder, Juris Kiskis, Helen Fink et al
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 8948
Paper in proceeding

Imaging lipids in live microalgae

Lillie Cavonius, Helen Fink, Juris Kiskis et al
Algae Biomass Summit 2013
Conference poster

Sequence-Specific Crosslinking of Electrospun, Elastin-Like Protein Preserves Bioactivity and Native-Like Mechanics.

Patrick L Benitez, Jeffrey A Sweet, Helen Fink et al
Advanced healthcare materials. Vol. 2 (1), p. 114-118
Journal article

Cellulolytic enzyme interaction with lignocellulose. Insight to factors limiting enzymatic hydrolysis

Ausra Peciulyte, Alexander Idström, Helen Fink et al
Gordon Conference: Cellulosomes, Cellulases & Other Carbohydrate Modifying Enzymes internal database
Conference poster

Neuronal cell growth on polymeric scaffolds studied by CARS microscopy

Annika Enejder, Helen Fink, Hans-Georg Kuhn
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 8226
Paper in proceeding

Imaging of lipids in live microalgae

Lillie Cavonius, Helen Fink, Juris Kiskis et al
Young Algaeneers 2012
Conference poster

Imaging lipids in live microalgae

Lillie Cavonius, Helen Fink, Juris Kiskis et al
Novel Sources of Omega-3 in Food and Feed, Copenhagen 2012
Conference poster

An in vitro study of blood compatibility of vascular grafts made of bacterial cellulose in comparison with conventionally-used graft materials

Helen Fink, Jaan Hong, Kristoffer Drotz et al
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A. Vol. 97 (1), p. 52-58
Journal article

Bacterial cellulose modified with xyloglucan bearing the adhesion peptide RGD promotes endothelial cell adhesion and metabolism--a promising modification for vascular grafts.

Helen Fink, Lage Ahrenstedt, Aase Katarina Bodin et al
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Vol. 5 (6), p. 454-63
Journal article

Self-assembled arrays of dendrimer-gold-nanoparticle hybrids for functional cell studies.

Anders Lundgren, Yvonne Hed, Kim Oberg et al
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Vol. 50 (15), p. 3450-3
Journal article

Intravital fluorescent microscopic evaluation of bacterial cellulose as scaffold for vascular grafts.

Maricris Esguerra, Helen Fink, Matthias W Laschke et al
Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A. Vol. 93 (1), p. 140-9
Journal article

Real-time measurements of coagulation on bacterial cellulose and conventional vascular graft materials.

Helen Fink, Lars Faxälv, Gábor F Molnár et al
Acta Biomaterialia. Vol. 6 (3), p. 1125-30
Journal article

Bloodcompatibility studies of bacterial cellulose, a new biosynthetic vascular graft material

Anders Sellborn, Helen Fink, Jaan Hong et al
8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008, WBC 2008; Amsterdam; Netherlands; 28 May 2008 through 1 June 2008. Vol. 3, p. 1349-
Paper in proceeding

Effect of shear stress on the expression of coagulation and fibrinolytic factors in both smooth muscle and endothelial cells in a co-culture model.

Gisela Helenius, Sepideh Heydarkhan-Hagvall, Maricris Esguerra et al
European Surgical Research. Vol. 40 (4), p. 325-32
Journal article

Modification of nanocellulose with a xyloglucan-RGD conjugate enhances adhesion and proliferation of endothelial cells: implications for tissue engineering.

Aase Katarina Bodin, Lage Ahrenstedt, Helen Fink et al
Biomacromolecules. Vol. 8 (12), p. 3697-3704
Journal article

Influence of cultivation conditions on mechanical and morphological properties of bacterial cellulose tubes

Aase Katarina Bodin, Henrik Bäckdahl, Helen Fink et al
Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Vol. 97 (2), p. 425-434
Journal article

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