Ola Henfridsson

Showing 22 publications


Managing technological change in the digital age: the role of architectural frames

Ola Henfridsson, Lars Mathiassen, Fredrik Svahn
Journal of Information Technology. Vol. 29 (1), p. 27-43
Journal article

Balancing Platform Control and External Contribution in Third-Party Development: The Boundary Resources Model

Ahmad Ghazawneh, Ola Henfridsson
Information Systems Journal. Vol. 23 (2), p. 173-192
Journal article

Capability Search and Redeem Across Digital Ecosystems

Lisen Selander, Ola Henfridsson, Fredrik Svahn
Journal of Information Technology. Vol. 28 (3), p. 183-197
Journal article

The dual regimes of digital innovation management

F. Svahn, Ola Henfridsson
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, p. 3347-3356
Paper in proceeding

The Dual Regimes of Digital Innovation Management

Fredrik Svahn, Ola Henfridsson
Proceeding of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Paper in proceeding

Cynicism as User Resistance in IT Implementation

Lisen Selander, Ola Henfridsson
Information Systems Journal. Vol. 22 (3), p. 289-312
Journal article

The Role of Dominant Design in a Product-Developing Firm’s Digital Innovation

Lena Hylving, Ola Henfridsson, Lisen Selander
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application. Vol. 13 (2), p. 5-21
Journal article

Publication strategy for junior researchers: Quantity vs. quality, the first authorship and the optimal number of authors

H. Krasnova, K. Schäfer, O. Günther et al
20th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2012; Barcelona; Spain; 10 June 2012 through 13 June 2012
Paper in proceeding

Researching the future: The information systems discipline's futures infrastructure

M.W. Chiasson, Ola Henfridsson
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 356, p. 1-7
Paper in proceeding

Action Design Research

Maung Sein, Ola Henfridsson, Sandeep Purao et al
MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems. Vol. 35 (1), p. 37-56
Journal article

Micro-Strategizing in Platform Ecosystems: A Multiple Case Study

Ahmad Ghazawneh, Ola Henfridsson
32nd International Conference on Information System 2011, ICIS 2011; Shanghai; China; 4 December 2011 through 7 December 2011. Vol. 5, p. 4202-4220
Paper in proceeding

Transforming Ecosystem Relationships in Digital Innovation

Lisen Selander, Ola Henfridsson, Fredrik Svahn
Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Information Systems
Paper in proceeding

User Involvement in Developing Mobile and Temporarily Interconnected Systems

Ola Henfridsson, Rikard Lindgren
Information Systems Journal. Vol. 20 (2), p. 119-135
Journal article

Path Creation in Digital Innovation: A Multi-Layered Dialectics Perspective

Ola Henfridsson, Y Yoo, Fredrik Svahn
Sprouts Working Papers on Informations Systems. Vol. 9 (20)
Magazine article

Reconfiguring Modularity: Closing Capability Gaps in Digital Innovation

Ola Henfridsson, L Mathiassen, Fredrik Svahn
Sprouts Working Papers on Informations Systems. Vol. 9 (22)
Magazine article

Situated Knowledge in Context-Aware Computing: A Sequential Multimethod Study of In-Car Navigation

Fredrik Svahn, Ola Henfridsson
International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. Vol. 1 (3)
Journal article

A Threesome Dance of Agency: Mangling the Sociomateriality of Technological Regimes in Digital Innovation

Fredrik Svahn, Ola Henfridsson, Y Yoo
Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Information Systems
Paper in proceeding

Context-aware application design at SAAB Automobile: An interpretational perspective

Carl Magnus Olsson, Ola Henfridsson
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application. Vol. 9 (1), p. 25-42
Journal article

Improving Packaged Software Through Online Community Knowledge

Helena Holmström, Ola Henfridsson
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems. Vol. 18 (1), p. 25-58
Journal article

Designing context-aware applications: An action research study

Carl Magnus Olsson, Ola Henfridsson
International Federation For Information Processing, Working Group 8.2
Journal article

Developing E-commerce in Internetworked Organizations - customer involvement throughout the value chain in the case of the online computer game Clusterball

Ola Henfridsson, Helena Holmström
Data Base for Advances in Information Systems. Vol. 33 (4), p. 38-50
Journal article

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