Henrik Glänneskog

Showing 10 publications


Tellurium Behavior in the Containment Sump: Dissolution, Redox, and Radiolysis Effects

Anna-Elina Pasi, Henrik Glänneskog, Mark Foreman et al
Nuclear Technology, p. 1-11
Journal article

Impact of gamma radiation on the ruthenium deposited materials in a nuclear power plant

Ivan Kajan, Henrik Glänneskog, J. Thorn et al
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 309 (2), p. 743-749
Journal article

Gas phase reactions of organic iodine in containment conditions

T Kärkelä, Joachim Holm, A Auvinen et al
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2010, ICAPP 2010. Vol. 2, p. 1084-1091
Other conference contribution

Deposition of RuO4 on various surfaces in a nuclear reactor containment

Joachim Holm, Henrik Glänneskog, Christian Ekberg
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 392 (1), p. 55-62
Journal article

Reactions between reactive metals and iodine in aqueous solutions

Henrik Glänneskog, Jan Liljenzin, Lembit Sihver
Journal of Nuclear Materials (348), p. 87-93
Journal article

Sorption of trivalent plutonium onto UO2 and the effect of the solid phase on the Pu oxidation state

Mattias Olsson, Henrik Glänneskog, Hans Nilsson et al
Radiochimica Acta. Vol. 93, p. 341-346
Journal article

Interactions of I2 and CH3I with reactive metals under BWR severe-accident conditions

Henrik Glänneskog
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 227 (3), p. 323-329
Journal article

Apparatus for on-line measurements of iodine species concentration in aqueous and gaseous phases

Henrik Glänneskog, Yngve Albinsson, Jan Liljenzin et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. Vol. 498 (1-3), p. 517-521
Journal article

Interactions of iodine and methyl iodide with reactive metals

Henrik Glänneskog
Licentiate thesis

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