Hongxia Zhao

Showing 15 publications


Intersymbol interference in DQPSK fibre-optic systems

Hongxia Zhao, Erik Agrell, Magnus Karlsson
European Transactions on Telecommunications. Vol. 20 (8), p. 758-769
Journal article

Trellis-Coded Modulation in Fiber-Optic Communications

Hongxia Zhao, Erik Agrell, Magnus Karlsson

Unequal bit error probability in coherent QPSK fiber-optic systems using phase modulator based transmitters

Hongxia Zhao, Erik Agrell, Magnus Karlsson
European Transactions on Telecommunications. Vol. 19 (8), p. 895-906
Journal article

Transmitter comparison and unequal bit error probabilities in coherent QPSK systems

Hongxia Zhao, Magnus Karlsson, Erik Agrell
Optical Fiber Communication Conference and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, p. OTuH2-
Paper in proceeding

Trellis-Coded Modulation in PSK and DPSK Communications

Hongxia Zhao, Erik Agrell, Magnus Karlsson
European Conference on Optical Communication, p. 1-2
Paper in proceeding

RSFQ Digital Signal Processor for Interference Cancellation

Irina Kataeva, Hongxia Zhao, Henrik Engseth et al
IEEE trans on Applied Superconductivity. Vol. 15 (2), p. 405-410
Journal article

Performance of a Decorrelator in Convolutionally Coded WCDMA Systems

Hongxia Zhao, Tony Ottosson Gadd, Erik Ström

Development of the high performance DSP architecture for the RSFQ interference canceller

Anna Kidiyarova-Shevchenko, Konstantin Platov, Hongxia Zhao et al
Institute of Physics Conference Series. Vol. 181, p. 187-194
Paper in proceeding

Performance Analysis of a Fixed-point Successive Interference Canceller for WCDMA

Hongxia Zhao, Tony Ottosson Gadd, Erik Ström et al
Proceedings Vehicular Technology Conference Fall, Los Angeles, California, USA, SEP 26-29, 2004
Paper in proceeding

A Fixed-point Implementation of Successive Interference Canceller for WCDMA

Hongxia Zhao, Tony Ottosson Gadd, Erik Ström et al
Proc of the 8th International Conference on Cellular and Intelligent Communications (CIC), Soul, Korea
Paper in proceeding

System design approach for RFSQ multiuser detector

Konstantin Platov, Anna Kidiyarova-Shevchenko, Hongxia Zhao et al
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Journal article

System design approach for RFSQ multiuser detector

Konstantin Platov, Anna Kidiyarova-Shevchenko, Hongxia Zhao et al
Proc. IEEE Applied Superconductivity Conference
Paper in proceeding

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