Johan Isaksson

Showing 15 publications


Transportation fuel production from gasified biomass integrated with a pulp and paper mill - Part A: Heat integration and system performance

Johan Isaksson, M. Jansson, A. Asblad et al
Energy. Vol. 103, p. 557-571
Journal article

Pretreatment methods for gasification of biomass and Fischer-Tropsch crude production integrated with a pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. Vol. 16 (7), p. 1393-1402
Journal article

Minimization of total drying costs for a continuous packed-bed biomass dryer operating at an integrated chemical pulp and paper mill

Henrik Holmberg, Johan Isaksson, Risto Lahdelma
Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 71, p. 431-442
Journal article

Pulp mill biorefineries

Mathias Gourdon, Johan Isaksson, Erik Karlsson et al
International Process Integration Jubilee Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, March 18-20 2013
Conference poster

Influence of Different Pretreatment Methods on Biomass Gasification and Production of Fischer-tropsch Crude Integrated with a Pulp and Paper Mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 35, p. 559-564
Journal article

Application of Pinch Analysis in an Integrated Steel Plant in Northern Sweden

Carl-Erik Grip, Johan Isaksson, Simon Harvey et al
ISIJ International. Vol. 53 (7), p. 1202-1210
Journal article

Influence of dryer type on the performance of a biomass gasification combined cycle co-located with an integrated pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 59, p. 336-347
Journal article

Comparison between a detailed pinch analysis and the 'Heat Load Model for Pulp and Paper' - Case study for a Swedish thermo-mechanical pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 29, p. 43-48
Journal article

Integration Of Biomass Gasification With A Scandinavian Mechanical Pulp And Paper Mill - Consequences For Mass And Energy Balances And Global CO2 Emissions

Johan Isaksson, Karin Pettersson, Maryam Mahmoudkhani et al
Energy. Vol. 44 (1), p. 420-428
Journal article

Integration of biomass gasification with a Scandinavian mechanical pulp and paper mill

Johan Isaksson, Maryam Mahmoudkhani, Anders Åsblad et al
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, July 4-7, 2011, p. 3668-3679
Paper in proceeding

Possibilities to implement pinch analysis in the steel industry – a case study at SSAB EMEA in Luleå

Johan Isaksson, Simon Harvey, Carl-Erik Grip et al
Proceedings of WREC - World Renewable Energy Congress, 8-11 May 2011, Linköping, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Strategic Energy Efficiency Measures for Developing Biorefinery Concepts in the Pulp and Paper Industry

Johan Isaksson, Valeria Mora, Maryam Mahmoudkhani et al
3rd Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference
Conference poster

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