Andrej Slavik

Showing 18 publications


The opening gambit of a losing game: the UGOT Centre for Public Culture, including Six contentions about transdisciplinary research in the cultural sciences

Andrej Slavik
Transvaluation: Making the World Matter, May 21-22 2015 (Online Proceedings)
Paper in proceeding

What is History and Why Do I Write it? Afterthoughts on the Contemporary Past

Andrej Slavik
Architecture, Photography and the Contemporary Past, p. 148-159
Book chapter

AHA! festival 2014

Anna Maria Orru, Peter Christensson, Claes Caldenby et al


Andrej Slavik, Claes Caldenby, Julia Tedroff et al
Architecture, Photography and the Contemporary Past, p. 10-16
Book chapter

Architecture, Photography and the Contemporary Past

Claes Caldenby, Andrej Slavik, Julia Tedroff et al
Edited book

Substance and (Digital) Function. The Case of Parametric Architecture

Andrej Slavik
Anders Burman, Rebecka Lettevall & Sven-Eric Liedman (red.), Löftet om lycka. Estetik, musik, bildning. Till Sten Dahlstedt, p. 333-348
Book chapter

Who told me – and why? Two or three things I have reason to believe about Magnus Bärtås

Andrej Slavik
Artists as researchers – a new paradigm for art education in Europe, p. 116-122
Other conference contribution

Campus Näckrosen saknar tanke och innehåll

Johan Öberg, Andrej Slavik
Göteborgs-Posten (2013-12-22)
Magazine article


Andrej Slavik, Mats Rosengren
Jean Lassègue, Semiotic anthropology and Cassirer's legacy, Occasional Papers of the Swedish Ernst Cassirer Society vol. 6, p. 3-5
Book chapter

Te och opium: variationer

Andrej Slavik
Farhad Kalantary. A new beginning, p. 122-137
Book chapter

Tea and opium: variations

Andrej Slavik
Farhad Kalantary. A new beginning, p. 27-44
Book chapter

The poetics of history, or Hatching an ugly duckling: research in mode √2

Andrej Slavik
Tidskriften ArtMonitor (8), p. 120-126
Magazine article

Film, historia: konfrontationer

Andrej Slavik
ArtMonitor. Vol. 2010 (9), p. 172-231
Magazine article

Film + history

Andrej Slavik
Telling the past now: historiographies in the 21st century, Århus, 22-24 november 2007
Conference poster

Närvaron av en fundamental dubbelhet

Andrej Slavik
Bo Göranzon & Lars Mouwitz (red.), Dialoger. Vol. 77-78, p. 61-64
Magazine article

Konstnärlig forskning - idéhistoriens aktualitet

Andrej Slavik
I skuggan av samtiden. En vänbok till Sven-Eric Liedman och Amanda Peralta, p. 417-430
Book chapter

The abstraction of drama : towards an interpretation of the role of mathematics in the work of Iannis Xenakis

Andrej Slavik
Proceedings of the International Symposium Iannis Xenakis, Aten, 18-20 maj 2005, p. 72-90
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Architecture in the Making: Architecture as a Making Discipline and Material Practice

Fredrik Nilsson Architecture
Frans Magnusson Architectural theory and methods
Malgorzata Zboinska Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Stig Anton Nielsen Architectural theory and methods
Atli Magnus Seelow Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Andrej Slavik Architectural theory and methods
Catharina Dyrssen Urban Design and Planning
Claes Caldenby Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Julia Fredriksson Urban Design and Planning
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Daniel Norell Education - Architectural Theory and Method
Johan Linton Education - Architectural Theory and Method
Liane Thuvander Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Paula Femenias Building Design
Beata Stahre Wästberg Interaction design
Michael Asgaard Andersen Architectural theory and methods
Monica Billger Architectural theory and methods
Michael U. Hensel Unknown organization
Nel Janssens Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Halina Dunin-Woyseth von Turow Architectural theory and methods
Karel Deckers Unknown organization
Johan Liekens Unknown organization
Anna Maria Orrù Urban Design and Planning
Karl-Gunnar Olsson Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Daniel Koch Building Design

23 publications exist
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