Iulia Pop

Showing 17 publications


Classification of quantum groups and Belavin-Drinfeld cohomologies for orthogonal and symplectic Lie algebras

B. Kadets, Eugene Karolinsky, Iulia Pop et al
Journal of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 57 (5), p. Art. no. 051707-
Journal article

Quantum Groups: From the Kulish–Reshetikhin Discovery to Classification

B. Kadets, E. Karolinsky, Iulia Pop et al
Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 213 (5), p. 743-749
Journal article

Classification of Quantum Groups and Belavin-Drinfeld Cohomologies

B. Kadets, E. Karolinsky, Iulia Pop et al
Communications in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 344 (1), p. 1-24
Journal article

Classification of quantum groups and Lie bialgebra structures on sl(n, F). Relations with Brauer group

Alexander Stolin, Iulia Pop
Advances in Mathematics. Vol. 293, p. 324-342
Journal article

Quantum groups: from Kulish-Reshetikhin discovery to classification

Boris Kadets, Eugene Karolinsky, Iulia Pop et al
Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI. Vol. 433 (23), p. 186-195
Journal article

Belavin-Drinfeld cohomologies and introduction to classification of quantum groups

Alexander Stolin, Iulia Pop
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 563 (1)
Paper in proceeding

On quantum groups and Lie bialgebras related to sl(n)

Alexander Stolin, Iulia Pop
Journal of Physics Conference Series. Vol. 532, p. artikel nr 012026-
Paper in proceeding

New r-Matrices for Lie Bialgebra Structures over Polynomials

Iulia Pop, Julia Christopher
Letters in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 93 (2), p. 141-156
Journal article

Classification of quasi-trigonometric solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation

Iulia Pop, Alexander Stolin
Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 478, p. 155-162
Journal article

On Some Lie Bialgebra Structures on Polynomial Lie algebras and their Quantization

Sergey Khoroshkin, Iulia Pop, Maxim Samsonov et al
Communications in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 282 (3), p. 625-662
Journal article

Lagrangian Subalgebras and Quasi-trigonometric r-matrices

Iulia Pop, Alexander Stolin
Letters in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 85 (2-3), p. 249-262
Journal article

Rational solutions of CYBE for simple compact real Lie algebras

Iulia Pop, Alexander Stolin
Journal of Geometry and Physics. Vol. 57 (5), p. 1379-1390
Journal article

Rational solutions of the CYBE and locally transitive actions on isotropic Grassmannians

Iulia Pop
Journal of Algebra and its Applications. Vol. 4 (2), p. 211-224
Journal article

Lie bialgebra structures and their quantization

Iulia Pop
Doctoral thesis

Rational solutions of CYBE for simple compact real Lie algebras

Iulia Pop, Alexander Stolin

On the classical double of parabolic subalgebras

Iulia Pop
Communications in Algebra. Vol. 32 (10), p. 3787-3796
Journal article

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