Carlos Jimenez Sanchez

Showing 8 publications


Non-linear inversion of Odin sub-mm observations in the lower stratosphere by neural networks

Carlos Jimenez Sanchez, Patrick Eriksson, Jan Askne
Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Earth's Surface and Atmosphere, p. 503-511
Book chapter

Experimental heat transfer study of Endwall in a linear cascade with IR thermography

Borja Rojo, Carlos Jimenez Sanchez, Valery Chernoray
EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 67
Paper in proceeding

Qpack, a tool for instrument simulation and retrieval work

Patrick Eriksson, Carlos Jimenez Sanchez, S.A. Buehler
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. Vol. 91, p. 47-64
Journal article

Strato-mesospheric Measurements of Carbon Monoxide with the Odin Sub-millimetre Radiometer: Retrieval and First Results

E. Dupuy, Joachim Urban, P. Ricaud et al
Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 31 (20)
Journal article

Odin/SMR Observations of Stratospheric Water Vapour and its Isotopes: Requirements on Spectroscopy

Joachim Urban, Nicolas Lautié, Donal Murtagh et al
Proc. Int. Workshop on Critical Evaluation of mm-/submm-wave Spectroscopic Data for Atmos. Observ., 29-30 January 2004, Mito, Japan, edited by Amano, T., Kasai, Y., Manabe, T., p. 69-74
Other conference contribution

The northern hemisphere stratospheric vortex during the 2002-03 winter: Subsidence, chlorine activation and ozone loss observed by the Odin Sub-Millimetre Radiometer

Joachim Urban, Nicolas Lautié, E. Le Flochmoën et al
Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 31 (7), p. L07103-
Journal article

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