Jiabin Wang

Showing 8 publications


Validation of partially averaged Navier-Stokes and prediction for the turbulent flow past a generic high-speed train with and without yaw angle

Jiabin Wang, Haoyuan Liu, Tianyun Dong et al
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. Vol. 110
Journal article

Validation of PANS and effects of ground and wheel motion on the aerodynamic behaviours of a square-back van

Jiabin Wang, Guglielmo Minelli, Gioacchino Cafiero et al
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 958
Journal article

Floor motion's influence on wake asymmetry of a notchback bluff body

Kan He, Guglielmo Minelli, Xinchao Su et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 34 (3)
Journal article

Assessment of LES, IDDES and RANS approaches for prediction of wakes behind notchback road vehicles

Kan He, Guglielmo Minelli, Jiabin Wang et al
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Vol. 217
Journal article

Numerical investigation of the wake bi-stability behind a notchback Ahmed body

Kan He, Guglielmo Minelli, Jiabin Wang et al
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 926, p. A36-1-A36-29
Journal article

The effect of bogie fairings on the slipstream and wake flow of a high-speed train. An IDDES study.

Jiabin Wang, Guglielmo Minelli, Tianyun Dong et al
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Vol. 191, p. 183-202
Journal article

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