Jiaxin Chen

Showing 3 publications


Stress-corrosion cracking sensitization by hydrogen upon oxidation of nickel-base alloys by water – An experiment-guided first-principles study

Ageo Meier de Andrade, Christine Geers, Jiaxin Chen et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 595
Journal article

On Water Induced Sensitization of Ni (Fe,Cr) alloys towards Stress Corrosion Cracking in LWR Piping from 1st Principles Modelling

Vedad Babic, Valentina Cantatore, Christine Geers et al
Report - The Swedish Radiation Safety authority (SSM)

Insights into the zinc effect on radio-cobalt deposition on stainless steel piping surfaces under BWR conditions from experiment guided 1st principles modelling

Valentina Cantatore, Christine Geers, Jiaxin Chen et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 540
Journal article

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