Jiefang Zhu

Showing 10 publications


Preparation and characterization of TiO2/carbon composite thin films with enhanced photocatalytic activity

Raja Sellappan, Jiefang Zhu, Hans Fredriksson et al
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. Vol. 335 (1-2), p. 136-144
Journal article

Nanostructured Materials for Photolytic Hydrogen Production

Jiefang Zhu, Dinko Chakarov, Michael Zäch
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy through Nanotechnology
Book chapter

Ordered mesoporous Ag-TiO2-KIT-6 heterostructure: synthesis, characterization and photocatalysis

Fengling Zhang, Y. H. Zheng, Y. N. Cao et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry. Vol. 19 (18), p. 2771-2777
Journal article

Optical and photocatalytic measurement of carbon+TiO2 thin film photoanode

Raja Sellappan, Dinko Chakarov, Michael Zäch et al
Reactivity of nanoparticles for more efficient and sustainable energy production,Sandbjerg Gods, Denmark, August 22-27, 2009
Conference poster

Hydrothermal-polyol route to synthesis of beta-Ni(OH)(2) and NiO in mixed solvents of 1,4-butanediol and water

M. G. Ma, Jiefang Zhu, J. X. Jiang et al
Materials Letters. Vol. 63 (21), p. 1791-1793
Journal article

A facile solvothermal route to synthesis of gamma-alumina with bundle-like and flower-like morphologies

M. G. Ma, Jiefang Zhu
Materials Letters. Vol. 63 (11), p. 881-883
Journal article

Nanostructured materials for photocatalytic hydrogen production

Jiefang Zhu, Michael Zäch
Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 14 (4), p. 260-269
Journal article

Network Structured SnO2/ZnO Heterojunction Nanocatalyst with High Photocatalytic Activity

L. R. Zheng, Y. H. Zheng, C. Q. Chen et al
Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. 48 (5), p. 1819-1825
Journal article

Photocatalytic activity of Ag/ZnO heterostructure nanocatalyst: Correlation between structure and property

Y. H. Zheng, C. Q. Chen, Y. Y. Zhan et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 112 (29), p. 10773-10777
Journal article

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