Jinfeng Tang

Showing 21 publications


Efficient Mn recovery and as removal from manganese slag: A novel approach for metal recovery and decontamination

Jinfeng Tang, Qian Feng, Xiangqin Peng et al
Separation and Purification Technology. Vol. 361
Journal article

A novel integrating approach to assess the role of LiFePO<inf>4</inf> battery recycling in the automotive industries in the Greater Bay Area of China

Jinfeng Tang, Zhicheng Zhang, Jianzhao Wu et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 450
Journal article

Long-term microbiota and performance monitoring of a highly efficient propylene oxide co-production methyl tert-butyl ether production wastewater treatment plant

Jiawei Liang, Xinbo Zhao, Dongjin Wan et al
Journal of Water Process Engineering. Vol. 56
Journal article

Optimizing critical metals recovery and correlative decontamination from MSWI fly ash: Evaluation of an integrating two-step leaching hydrometallurgical process

Jinfeng Tang, Shaobin Dong, Qian Feng et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 368
Journal article

Editorial: Efficient Treatment of Industrial Wastewater With Microbiome and Synthetic Biology

Shan Jiang, Jinfeng Tang, Shadi Rahimi et al
Frontiers in Environmental Science. Vol. 10
Other text in scientific journal

Assessment of heavy metals mobility and correlative recovery and decontamination from MSWI fly ash: Mechanism and hydrometallurgical process evaluation

Jinfeng Tang, Minhua Su, Hairong Peng et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 768
Journal article

Novel strains with superior degrading efficiency for lincomycin manufacturing biowaste

Yonghong Li, Luping Fu, Xuan Li et al
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Vol. 209
Journal article

Performance and microbial communities of a novel integrated industrial-scale pulp and paper wastewater treatment plant

Jiawei Liang, Wenning Mai, Jia Wang et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 278
Journal article

Comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness on metals recovery and decontamination from MSWI fly ash by an integrating hydrometallurgical process in Guangzhou

Jinfeng Tang, Minhua Su, Lezhang Wei et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 728
Journal article

Highly efficient recovery and clean-up of four heavy metals from MSWI fly ash by integrating leaching, selective extraction and adsorption

Jinfeng Tang, Minhua Su, Qihang Wu et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 234, p. 139-149
Journal article

Highly Effective Treatment of Petrochemical Wastewater by a Super-sized Industrial Scale Plant with Expanded Granular Sludge Bed Bioreactor and Aerobic Activated Sludge

Wenning Mai, Jiawei Liang, Jinfeng Tang et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 360, p. 15-23
Journal article

Assessment of copper and zinc recovery from MSWI fly ash in Guangzhou based on a hydrometallurgical process

Jinfeng Tang, Minhua Su, Hongguo Zhang et al
Waste Management. Vol. 76, p. 225-233
Journal article

Source analysis of municipal solid waste in a mega-city (Guangzhou): Challenges or opportunities?

Jinfeng Tang, Lezhang Wei, Minhua Su et al
Waste Management and Research. Vol. 36 (12), p. 1166-1176
Journal article

Comparative study of the application of traditional and novel extractants for the separation of metals from MSWI fly ash leachates

Jinfeng Tang, Rikard E Ylmén, Martina Petranikova et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 172, p. 143-154
Journal article

Mixer-settler system for the recovery of copper and zinc from MSWI fly ash leachates: An evaluation of a hydrometallurgical process

Jinfeng Tang, Martina Petranikova, Christian Ekberg et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 148, p. 595-605
Journal article

Leaching optimization of municipal solid waste incineration ash for resource recovery: A case study of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd

Jinfeng Tang, Britt-Marie Steenari
Waste Management. Vol. 48, p. 315-322
Journal article

Solvent extraction separation of copper and zinc from MSWI fly ash leachates

Jinfeng Tang, Britt-Marie Steenari
Waste Management. Vol. 44, p. 147-154
Journal article

Resource recovery from municipal solid waste ash

Britt-Marie Steenari, Henric Lassesson, Jinfeng Tang
Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 247
Other conference contribution

Resource recovery from municipal solid waste ash

Jinfeng Tang, Henric Lassesson, Britt-Marie Steenari
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, PA U.S.A., March 30-April 2, 2014, p. 352-361
Other conference contribution

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