JinHo Kim

Showing 4 publications


Redesign and reconstruction of a mevalonate pathway and its application in terpene production in Escherichia coli

BoHyun Choi, JinHo Kim, Sun Young Choi et al
Bioresource Technology Reports. Vol. 7
Journal article

Complete genome sequence of Planococcus faecalis AJ003T, the type species of the genus Planococcus and a microbial C30 carotenoid producer

Jin Won Kim, BoHyun Choi, JinHo Kim et al
Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 266, p. 72-76
Journal article

Bacterial response to graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide integrated in agar plates

Venkata Raghavendra Subrahmanya Sar Mokkapati, Santosh Pandit, JinHo Kim et al
Royal Society Open Science. Vol. 5 (11)
Journal article

Flavobacterium faecale sp. nov., an agarase-producing species isolated from stools of Antarctic penguins

JinHo Kim, BoHyun Choi, Minho Jo et al
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Vol. 64 (pt 8), p. 2884-2890
Journal article

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